I Tried 100 Elo Chess

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%1$ Comments520

    Backwards 👏 knight 👏 move 👏 fork 👏

    Levy really wants to be black…

    In chess of course

    you should make this a series playing at each elo
    it was so funny when you asked people if they watch gotham chess

    30:45 "Over the last few years, the floor of chess has gone up".(C) Gotham. Sadly, I was left behind. These games are my inspiration.

    I'm rated 500 but on an alt I got to 1000 so I feel like most elos are inaccurate

    Im interested to see gotham play chess where the objective is to stalemate a low elo (except by repitition).

    12:43 gxh4 instead of nd3+ for the discovered attack infuriated me.
    HOW ..

    So entertaining! More please 🙏

    Thank goodness I'm way past this Elo range to get matched against Levy.

    DAMN the second opponent is literally better than me… IM PHUCKING 500 ELO 😭

    I don't think they can see your messages if they're using the app

    Now I want to see gotham get matched vs. chess simp at 100 elo

    Do you really believe that they would be 200 elo if they watched GothamChess even once?

    Can you pan your camera a bit to the right so that the window is not seen in the frame, its just the very edge thats seen and its triggering 👍

    The dude: Me see queen, me no care defend O no, me take.

    Wish one of them answered "I only watch Daniel Naroditsky"

    Amazing content, so funny <3 and I feel I've learned a lot

    With a couple more years of training you'll reach 200 elo!

    Never thought I would enjoy a popoff about a stalemate but that's just how GothamChess works baby~

    Would love to see more stuff like this

    Tbf, i was blitz 500 and the player i was against got a report card saying 1000 elo, so what i get is that blitz players play rapid before blitz

    This just shows that Larry automatically makes his viewers over 200 elo

    Lol he's literally 100 elo and he wants to be a GM

    Hikaru: Disrespect Speedrun
    Levy: Giveaway Speedrun

    At one point I think I had been all of those players

    Really good video honestly. Kinda inspiring.

    Levi, I'm not sure if you realize, but you rush these low level players in the end game. If you really want to showcase low elo, use at least 5-10secs per move so the opponent has just a bit of thinking time. Your badgering about urgency and not being able to see attacks was due to the time constraints. Hopefully you find this advice helpful in improving future videos ❤

    I don't think they ghosted. Chat is mute by default.
    So if you let it that way, you'll never see anything!

    Wouldn't it be karma if Hikaru had an ELO 100 account and torched you

    whats hilarious is him just begging his opponents to mate him

    Yes 200 play like this. There’s an elo trap down there where you get stuck until you develop your eye for tactics

    better games here than some of the 1000 ratings on GTE…

    Should try doing a ‘how many wins can I get in x amount of time against x low ELO players’

    It seems like they start by learning their opening moves, but don't learn how to really think through their games. Which causes their middle games to suffer.

    Bro ist even possible to acctualy be 100 elo 😭😭😭 like how bro

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