I tried 500 Elo Chess. It was a mistake.

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%1$ Comments432

    25:51 I just played my first blitz game and won with that exact mate 😂😂

    LOL, as a 500 rated player I relate to this video.

    Hello ! I’m actually 800 elo. It would be fun to see you at this rank and pointing out everything that is wrong 😂
    See you around !

    I dont think were playing the same 500's the ones i play will see discovered check royal fork in 10

    The knight was just standing there…. MENACINGLY

    POV: this is the one Comment not talking about levy’s Hostage situation

    Any opinions on this?:
    Most people at my school try to gain elo by doing bullet and playing moves really quick

    I'm a 500 and I saw the discovered attack with the horse instantly, I think you are underestimating 500 elo skill.

    LEVY. I was the one who saw you this afternoon. Thanks for taking a picture with me. Sorry for stealing you from Lucy

    When I was 500, I saw so many tactics but I missed some of them

    Woah, chill not shouting and over excited levy is pretty entertaining!

    Surprised this hostage situation isn’t on the news tbh

    as a 400 elo player (very bad i know) i felt hurt when he said a 500 elo player would never spot it because i spotted it the second the opponent moved is that really how they think of us ??????

    I'm 800 Elo rating player, maybe we'll meet in rapid. That would be wonderful.

    Wear a blue shirt in your next video if youre held hostage

    "It's not a mistake, it's a masterpiece"

    can anyone give context on all these kidnap comments?

    You should throw the first half of the game and get into the worst positions as possible and then try and get out of them.. whole series idea haha

    As a 500 Elo player the first bullet round was hard to watch, most of us do not play like that.

    Let's be honest. Here's how this video came to be:
    Levi: I'm guessing wrong on Guess the ELO.
    Levi: I should challenge players of different ratings so I can guess better.
    Levi: Oh, and yeah, I can make content out of that.

    sounds like you are here in switzerland: Embarassing History, food's too expensive and interacting with locals is no fun experience

    500 Elo chess is mixed up, they make awesome moves sometimes, and then blunder galore

    man i think hes being held hostage all of a sudden hes in some place and now he doesnt even pin the comments

    Your videos are one of the only things making me happy right now, thanks for making content Levy, and please continue making videos ❤

    im 550 and i cant be that bad i think 🙂 800 would be nice to see

    The "they" is so anoying. Just assume one gender please

    To all my 500 fellas making a try, i salute you.

    alayna loves verivery┆b.a.p legends ♥︎ says:

    game two is so silly lol 😭😭

    alayna loves verivery┆b.a.p legends ♥︎ says:

    i wonder if this is how levi is when he teaches kid. it seems very kind and and almost gentle

    R.I.P. gotham, his wife is still posting drafts 😢😢🪦🪦🌹🌹🕊️🕊️

    That last person missing mate in 1 multiple times is crazy 💀😂

    I like the concept and i appreciate he doesn't want to take someone's elo, so I cannot be too critical, but if its going to be refunded and the account is properly labeled as a Gotham alt account, I would rather him play at a lower level than his actual skill level, but still punish bad moves if its either on the board or the only good move in the position (i.e. doesn't purposely make a random bad move just so he doesn't win. I think its more instructive if he punishes a bad move. I know he has the win at chess series or whatever where he does that, but if this series is to continue I think purposely trying to lose takes away from the series in my opinion.

    Levy is so sad that he’s being held hostage happy that he is exploring 500 elo!

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