I WON!!!

This is the final day of a chess tournament I am playing right now in Mallorca, Spain πŸ™‚ I hope you enjoy the video!!!!

⭐️ Standings:
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Photo: Open Colonia Sant Jordi

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#annacramling #chess #tournament

%1$ Comments492

    Girl we are disappointed. 8th you should always aim for 1st you ain't takin the crown from Magnus if you aim for 5th…

    I don't know why but this last ep makes me wanna cry. I am very happy for you, and ur dad, but I was spending my whole day just waiting for u to post new video abt this tournament, and new updates haha, and yeah i'm just sad it's over.

    So proud of you!! Very glad you're satisfied with how you're playing again, you deserve to feel like the great player you are. Loved the video content too, thanks for keeping it up.

    How can anyone focus when thats in front of you? πŸ˜†

    "The weather, the food, the venue, the chess and the mosquito's were FANTASTIC" πŸ€£β€πŸ‘‹! Well done Cramling Family. We are so PROUD of Dad and Anna and MOM 😍! The BEST is yet to come xxx

    Well done both of you.

    (I hope your dad despises that evil dwarf Francisco Franco as much as I do.)

    you forgot pia has won the streamer of the month award with her performance too

    You guys did so good congrats!! Thx for posting :3

    Thank you for sharing everything in your tournament, including your thoughts about the games. You really learn a lot by watching your videos. Your mother, PIa does a phenomenal job of showing how a GM sees both sides of the board and all the move combinations that could happen moving forward. It is special the skill you have in explaining as well as playing so well.

    Well done, Why did you're mom not playing in the tournament?

    Congratulations and thanks for the fun series of videos covering the tournament. Good job!

    Great result Anna – well done πŸ˜„- the perfect Schrimp πŸ˜‚

    CONGRATULATIONS! I am so proud of you!!!!!!!! It was YOU who got me into chess, and watching chess videos. Through your videos, I discovered the Botez sisters, and Gotham, and all the other great channels. I am ALWAYS rooting for YOU, Anna!!!!! Very very proud!

    Congratulations on your final result! These 9 episodes have been great content. You should talk to your streamer friends and get the gang together for another "Iceland tournament."

    Anna, you have the gift of explaining your chess moves in a way that is comprehensible to very many people. Not too shallow and, above all, not too elaborate. On top of that, your enthusiasm and positivity – I bet you inspire a lot of people for chess.

    Congratulations Anna!! Your fans are very proud of you. πŸ‘ I followed your entire journey, and you played wonderful chess and posted exciting content!! πŸ˜ƒπŸ₯‚β˜οΈπŸ₯‡πŸ† You rock!! 🎸

    Congrats Anna… These r battles..>all Γ© best 4 u in Γ© comings months… πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ˜Š

    So Happy for you and your Father.. Congratulations,, you worked hard and it paid off.. πŸ™‚

    Well done Anna!. And well done for your dad. Next time bring your mom, see what happens…πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

    My Personal Journey to Chess Mastery says:

    Your next tournament should be the 51st annual World Open, top 6 sections on USA. I hope to see you there. ❀

    congrats but i want to know more about your dads games and how much elo did he win?

    Congratulations! You're inspirational, and your enthusiasm is contagious. Keep at it! πŸ™‚ (Also, I think being able to share something like this chess tournament must have been very special to you and your father. Priceless experiences.)

    I don't know how to play chess personally. But your videos are so compelling play by play. You're an awesome content creator and an awesome chess player.

    I'm very happy for you! The hard work is paying off!

    cramling belon's taking over spain lets goooo

    You look so serious when you wear your glasses during the chess matches πŸ™‚
    Congrats fro your win, and good family business as well lol

    excellent tournament, congrats both of you, well done

    It has been really fun to follow this tournament! Please let Pia know that her commentary has been spectacular as well, it really made the streams so much more exciting. I hope to see more content like this in the future!

    Congratulations Anna! Well deserved! It was fun to follow your recaps! 😊

    Her opponent was a schmuck.
    Of course she won.

    Thanks for sharing and explaining. I am not a chess player but enjoyed the clear explanation of the game and other possible moves.
    Maybe I will play a game or so against my kids in the future.
    Grtz, SG from Belgium πŸ‡§πŸ‡ͺ.

    Congratulations! Really enjoyed following along!

    The point of a lav mic is to be clipped to your shirt so you don't need to hold it and so it doesn't pick up all your plosives. Why do people keep holding them as if they're a handheld mic!?

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