I’m Coming Back To Professional Chess

I’m getting back to competitive chess! Reykjavik Open starts tomorrow and all of my games will be covered on my Twitch channel by Grandmaster Jon Ludvig Hammer. I will also post recap of my rounds every day so make sure to subscribe and turn your notifications on! My first round is tomorrow (March 29th) at 8 am PT/11 am ET/5 pm CET.
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%1$ Comments432

    Roberto Humerez - The Channel Everybody likes. says:

    Alexandra? could you think chess as if you were a Princess and not another chess player? play the board not the player but even better be inside the game as a Princess? That will 100% give you another vision better than all of you(plural) GM's and WC – believe me? well yeah.

    every content creator that I've seen that tries going back to pro chess always fails – mind you I've only seen a few try.

    Amazing way to explain the gameplay with so clear advices there obviously are emotions but you dont focus too much on that and get to explain the stuff focusing on the people to learn and thats really nice, thank you it's encouraging to watch and learn like this.
    And don't worry to much about being uncertain about anything… this happen to anyone that's why they need to prepare, but its a great adventure nonetheless to face the unexpected instead to always trusting that you will face what you worked so hard to counter from the opponent. Since the experience from the games is the wealth gained, don't be pressured on the results, as that steals focus from your mind to use on your plays. GG

    You're the beautiest chess player in the whole universe 😂❤

    That is awesome! Good luck in Reykjavik, Alex! 💪🙌🙏😃

    I am sure you will do your best alex. We know that it is hard coming back to competitions but you will be able to play as you have been playing common chess for long👍🏻👏🏼

    just Blitz or we will get to see more than that?

    There is nothing like the elation and devastation of a chess tournament. CrossFit for the brain.

    This is not going to end well-is the objective getting slayed for y/t content ?

    9:00 Preparing for the endgame, I would have moved the king up to recapture with a more centralized king, disallowing knight activity.

    Love to see your breakdowns of games like this. I started playing chess again (after not playing since middle school) during the chess boom of 2020 thanks to you & Andrea, Daniel Naroditsky, Hikaru, Eric Rosen, GothamChess, and ChessBrahs. I started out being terrible at ~500elo. I'm up to 1300elo now thanks to great commentary like this. Thank you and good luck!

    One of my favorite vids of yours is when Andrea plays online against a higher-rated player, but only notices that after her W. So, she does have the skill set to go high. You're also older and more mature now and know how to handle stressful situations. If that's still bothering you, there must be coaches that help you with exactly that.

    👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 this recap is good almost on Agadmator level! Keep it up!

    You studied him but he studied you lol you got got by a gm. he knew

    On 5th minute, castling is illegal I guess. Good luck on Turnaments

    Alex, with all due respect, because you haven't been a pro for a while, I think you're "washed up" in chess.

    Big decision but really cool – congrats!🎉

    damn… that was indeed a sad ending for that game. still, all the best in Reykjavik! can't wait to see what Hammer will have to say about your games there!

    7:55 so, this is where the G spot is? It is on G7 because when you put your bishop there it takes care of Alex’s hole problem.

    Excellent and concise analysis, with many tips and rules of thumb, and in a palatable 18 minutes! You smoke Ben Finegold!

    that reminds me of that Capablanca quote: "I learned much more from the games I lost than from the games I won"

    I studied all the classic openings & variants as a kid, including detailed analysis of derivatives in actual GM matches to counter that nerve when someone played an unexpected move. Which is something most other players my age did less, resulting in a lot of strong positions & tempo advantages for me, and boosting my confidence significantly and possibly undermining that of the opponent. I love D4 openings, it usually means spectacle 🤗

    Can't wait for your recaps. Wish you the best. Good luck.

    I thought I heard you say on stream that you’re getting burned out with chess, so this is a surprise…

    Hordes Showtime Presented by HordeOfDeath says:

    Might as well just play the Sicilian the dragon variation.

    I wish I knew!! Sad I can't be there!! Good luck Alex, crush it for us all retirees haha!

    It was a good game for you I gotta say, you played well but yeah it was a costly mistake. As a big fan of good chess and the Botez Power Duo, I wish you the best at this event, I know you will rock again, we love you!

    SORRY, but I just wanted to say, I saw you playing Poker with Mr Beast on public telivision at my denitist today.

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