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%1$ Comments190

    Bro got the limitless and six eyes cursed technique

    That evil laugh at the end 😈 😂😂❤
    The game title "WOW" 😂😂
    NEVER RESIGN! -Levi Rozman

    *Levy 😅

    Wouldnt boxing be a good sport to reference? You can be down a lot by points but if you manage to land a knock out punch you win

    I believe in karma, because the best thing about faith is that it can influence your actions.

    You played towards the end of the game, queen A7, not having to rely on luck, G3 was correct. Queen takes, rook takes, king takes. The fish shows black better but not winnable with correct play.

    The Indian player is secretly a genius, he did that to end up in a Levy video 😂

    This game is under the wrong play list. This is more a never surrender, never give up, type game. Your opponent made the biggest mistake of the game. He didn't win, when he had a winning position. Winning ugly happens, it happens in chess and in other sports. The thing about winning ugly is, it is still winning.

    It's never too late to blunder checkmate

    you cant make this stuff up haha

    Gothak never fails to bully indians

    I a golden snitch is worth a 150 points and it ends the game immediately so your team could be down 140-0 you grab the snitch you win the game !
    Glad i was helpfull!

    can you scream he sacrifices the snitch please XD

    I swear I thought the thumbnail said Peaky Blunders
    I need to sleep

    Levy never fails to never fail to never fail to never fail to no speak show blunder make me haha.

    Your analysis is always engaging and it's clear every game, even the losses, are learning opportunities.

    All according to the plan. Great rock-3pawns gambit!

    Done again? LEVY 1ST I'm sorry for saying you were mean about 4 years ago. I see that's not true and I was definitely way too sensitive. You're funny af.

    ANYWAYS please, you've got to cover this game between Anish Giri and Wenjun Ju

    It's so epic, and the commentary isn't as entertaining.

    you should've think like the way you beat firouzja

    No surprise Gotham knows Quidditch, isn't that right Harry

    This is my first time watching him, and I'm just amazed that this man literally extended a 3min chess game to a freakin 27 minutes video….that is just so unbelievable

    thx for this wonderful lesson levi.

    Oh, that was so fun to watch! Sorry, but I laughed hard at the end with him forcing himself into being mated. Certainly something I would do, too! 🙂

    literally screamed out QUEEN ON THE DIAGONAL the moment I noticed the pawn move, incredible game!!

    Bro thought he's Mikhail Tal

    And in the end, he was 😉

    the second slam hits the "end recording" button

    No you're not. We all know that. Stop with the bs.

    Can some one tell me how to get 5 moves in the end before mate? It looks like if black offer the queen for a pawn it will end in 2-3 moves. How can Black keep the game alive for 5 Moves?

    Yesterday I was playing someone 100 higher rated than me, got a comeback halfway through and then they drew with repetition

    im 1800 in puzzles but 900 in rapid… plz help

    Omfg with only seconds on the clock for so much time too 💀🥲

    Levy: "If I could just teleport my queen there…"
    Chat GPT: "Well about that!"

    In wrestling if you’re down 14-0 you can just JV head throw and win the match with a pin

    Thankful for this content as it is NOT Magnus. Goodness who knows your next vid will be that person again

    If you catch The golden snitch it ends the game and your team is awarded 150 points so if you are behind by more then that you still lose it happen before in the lore

    I'm not good at chess, but can someone explain to me why at 12:40 Levy slid his queen to B3 instead of D3 to protect both the pawn and the bishop? Was it just panic, or is there a tactical reason not to put the queen there?

    13:30 In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire there's a Quidditch match at the beginning where one of the teams catches the Golden Snitch and gets 150 points while the game ends, but the other team is still slightly ahead, so it wins the world championship.

    He started as Levy, finished like Hikaru.

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