INSANE Guess The Elo

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%1$ Comments675

    No stare today. 0/10. I am disappointed in you, gotham.

    Ironically got a VSauce ad on this video lol

    2nd game Magnus baby brother was playing early game then magness played endgame

    Hey, Levy. Can you review my game? I was against Alaina(The bot), and I’m around 600 elo. Here is my game – I play white

    1. c4 e6 2. Qa4 Nc6 3. Nf3 d5 4. d4 a6 5. Ne5 Qf6 6. Nxc6 a5 7. cxd5 b6 8. Ne5+ b5 9. Qxb5+ Kd8 10. Qc6 Nh6 11. Qxa8 g6 12. Nc6+ Ke8 13. Qxc8+ Qd8 14. Qxd8#

    Thanks! Love your content, btw.

    Completely unrelated, but I got my first brilliant today.
    nice intro btw

    love this Guy he is one of the best chess youtuber

    so stupid he cant even edit his intro properly smh

    How to submit the game for guess the Elo?

    How do I submit games for guess the elo?

    Still hoping that Carlsen (or Ding) will send in a game for gte

    Feel like some of these are messing around on purpose

    The beginning was not just a stare, but an entire performance. The rising action, where Levy makes his intro, the conflict, where he does a second take, and the conclusion of the story, where he successfully completes his intro.
    12/10 stare today.

    "Thank you for tolerating the thumbnails" hahaha

    We love watching Lucy. She'll boost the view count. Best wife ever for a chess player.

    btw in last game (daly game) white play every move for a minute. Probably cheater

    Dear mr. Rozmann,

    I would like to inform you that we didn`t saw how game 4 ended.

    Kind Regards from Amsterdam

    Hello Twitch Chat! (They always say hello and we never say hello back, so I just thought I'd say hello)

    Ok i just wanna ask one thing. Where do i submit my games for guess the elo. Like my games are hilarious. I usually hang mate in one and see it as soon as i did it like lol.

    Bro Frank reached 500 elo make the video we’re waiting

    People who are high rated always make fun of one move threats in chess, because those will never work against good opponents. But you see it all the time in those games. Guy move a piece that attack another piece. Opponent just focus on whatever his plan is, ignoring that their piece is attacked.

    This is one of the most common theme of a low rated game. Each player go with their plan without looking at what the opponent is doing. They keep making one move threats because this is how they win the game.

    Hey everyone Jesus loves you and please accept him into your life and heart and repent

    The fact that he messed up his intro and didn’t even bother to edit it out

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