INSANE Guess The Elo

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%1$ Comments675

    we have reached a new level of editing laziness and i love it

    Levy you need to get some punishment if you fail to guess the ELO to make it more fun.

    funny that im laughing at these 700s while reaching 314 at most

    Welcome back to your favourite episode ??

    Welcome back to your favourite series !!

    "Surely they know that Bishop takes must be the best move."

    No, and don't call them Shirley.

    Make a video of the worst chess game played between two grandmasters

    I literally crave these videos like a crack head craves crack bless the lord you uploaded one on my day off🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭

    You could tell the intro wasn’t correct before he started over because the stare started off to the side

    Gotham is going to be so happy when he sees this comment earlier than 24 hours and btw I watch your content and man…. What a weird episode. You made me 600 btw ❤❤❤❤❤

    i thought you were bald from the thumbnail and thats why i really gave you my click

    10/10 gotham stare today, his beautiful eyes melted so that i felt him coming inside m-

    >that game was pretty competitive
    >combined accuracy score of maybe 60 from both players

    I was just wondering is there a way to get better at chess when you're a complete fucking idiot, I am an idiot who can't win a game against an 800, and I can't move from that elo no matter what videos and what books I read and memorize, and people are constantly mocking me when they beat me in 800 elo, If that's it and I'm just that shit and that dumb well I'm just gonna end it all these days

    Levy just don't wanna even think about editing videos man

    holy fuck that's one clickbaity thumbnail… i mean, it worked, i guess, i clicked, but ffs

    Watching the moments before the stare feels so weird.

    The intro is actually very clever symbolism on how recently, both Ding and Nepo played really well and deserve to be commended, but one just played slightly less perfect than the other, despite both being amazing.

    Why do I never play 1500s who play like this?

    I want to be good at chess but I am stuck at 1200.

    We got the unedited video ! LET'S GOOOOOO !!!

    Heyy!! It's my favorite chess player Gotham Guardiola.

    "I play my best chess at 2 in the morning because it distracts me from the pain of exi…"
    -Motivational speaker Revy Lozman, 2023.

    Only two takes is pretty impressive! and crazy guess the elo episode.

    did gotham forget to edit out the clip at the beginning, or is that intentional?

    Thank goodness, the normal thumbnails have resumed, after the world championship.

    The series so nice he does the intro twice, it's guess the elo

    Gotham I have a feeling your pet is listening for stream closers. Might wanna experiment.

    If you hit 4 million you will shave your head. And so will I

    Today we got two stares! What a day to be alive

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