Is Hikaru Cheating?? Kramnik “YES!!!”

On November 24 Kramnik tripled down on his accusations.


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%1$ Comments491

    I'll be worried if I see a Karl Jobst vid on Naka… until then, nah

    If you argue with a scientist who studied the subject for all his life, and you didn't, it's not about who is right—you're just wrong.

    The hard truth for Kramnik is that it's just a skill issue.

    Hikaru has yet to reveal what is on his ceiling. That is why Kramnik is suspicious.

    I have lost all my respect for Kramnik at this point, he is just a disappointment. There are plenty of actual cheaters to go after, why does he pick one of the real players? Moron. If he had any trust in his data at all, he would publish it, but instead he hides behind arrogant words, with no action. How Russian of him.

    One more thing, Hikaru is a great fellow and a worthy person, he could probably easily trample into the dirt both Kramnik himself and anyone who supports him in some way. Instead, Hikaru gives practical advice and I hope Kramnik will press the brake pedal and focus on obvious cheaters. Again, if he has indisputable evidence that Hikaru is a cheater, he should definitely provide it, but something tells me that if there were any, Kramnik would have already provided it and would not be disgraced.

    Let him dig the hole a little deeper then SUE HIM!

    Paid bots had me dying 😂
    I love you Hikaru, We Believe in You

    Hikaru might not be a statistician or a data scientist, but at least he can draw a "classic right triangle" 📐 mid-game while interacting with chat. Ultimately, Kramnik is jealous of that and he's trying to find his own mathematical niche in chess. 🤣

    I've seen the clip of Hikaru playing puzzle rush. Why would someone at his level cheat? I find this whole situation hilarious beyond belief. His demonstrated natty chess ability is insane, what's even the point of cheating!? There's so much data surrounding Hikaru's actual skill level. Claiming he's cheating is similar to claiming the world is flat. It makes sense only if you ignore absolutely everything.

    Hi Hikaru. What was your proof when you claimed the other guy was cheating against Magnus? Months have passed and nothing came out of your claims. Welcome to the receiving end. Serves you right!!

    I'm as old as Methusalem, so I remember the days when Hikaru played on Chessbase under the name of "Star Wars" and smashed everyone … with Stockfish and the other super engines not even existing …

    The problem with what kramnik is saying is that no, you can't include all the games on equal footing, but luck is distributed over all the games, not just some of the games, and so that goes to the argument about statistics over different bags of balls with 3 colors. You only pick from exactly the same bag with the same rating difference. Classical ratings don't apply but so what, the arguments still do apply, and without a complete statistical analysis including the sizes of the set, random subsets have a very low probability, that is clear and that is actually perfectly fine, if i play a slot machine once, i'm not very likley to win any money, if i play them 35000 times i am very likley to win some decently big sums, even though i am not likley to net an income doing that, the point being, you had a lot of chances to try to get an unlikely outcome for series of 46 games. Records are by definition u likley in an isolated sense. The question isnt whether they are unlikely, its whether they are reasonably likley given the amount of attempts.

    Kramnik having deleted all those posts from real statisticians is telling enough. Doing so made him lose all credibility. And he didn't have much to begin with.

    Hikaru saying that you just cannot accuse someone of being a cheater withouth the proof is just rich. So rich. Has he ever apologized for all the baseless accusations of cheating that he's flung left and right throughout his online career?

    (of course any of that doesn't excuse kramnik. accusing someone without proof is absolutely wrong regardeless of whether you for some reason belief they deserve it or not. and they don't.)

    I will say this "if you respond to someone then block them (same as locking the thread) you automatically lost the argument because you're just being petty ajd want to have the final word" well, he did that, he had the kast word and it said "I'm a clown and a child to boot" 😂

    There is a danger in using statistics improperly and within a context where they do not apply. Kramnik here references basic counting probability. However, he should examine the People vs. Collins and the Sally Clark cases first.

    The Basic Counting Principle, or Basic Counting Probability, multiplies the probabilities of several independent events to determine the probability of all of those events occurring together or in sequence. But it is important that the methodology either assumes the independence of the events or adjusts for dependent factors, like changes in the probability of a subsequent event based on the outcome of a prior one.

    Chess games are not random and their outcomes are not independent when one or both of the players involved are the same. The relative skill levels of the players must be factored in, the impact of having lost the previous game or won it has to be factored in, etc. Humans are messy but non-random creatures, we actually suck at random. We are impacted by prior events and our outcomes and behaviors are not guided by chance.

    I was made fun of here for saying I lost my my respect for Kram
    Must have been from Russians

    I knew the Magnus Carlsen “accusation” would have a rippling effect and added doubts to the legitimacy of the game.

    just go for a duel and destroy him in blitz on his terms that will be a fun conclusion to a pointless argument

    At this point i want to see a mathematic face off between this two guyz… Petition for a chess-math battle….

    funny to see kramnik actually fall for the "data science" trick

    I’m ashamed of Kramnik, he’s doing a good job, and suspecting Hikaru of cheating is more than normal, it’s another thing to accuse him when there is no evidence, the fact that Hikaru has 45.5/46 wins is really interesting, but only because it shows the strength of this player. It’s quite funny about bots, Hikaru is the most popular chess streamer and of course there are quite a few who will write something from adequate commentaries to completely insane ones.

    what this means is your streak will go down in his-story. ~!! Hikaru 2024~!!

    Kramnik going the Bobby Fischer route. Sad.

    Also what statistics don't tell you in chess is that there are players who just hard-counter other players via there opening-choice etc., even if the rating gap isn't that big or non-existent. This can lead to huge winning streaks, especially online where people don't have time to analyze their mistakes with an engine as the games keep going back to back (which, ironically, would make THEM the cheater).

    So, A.i came so far that we can't keep improving in Chess because at some point If people start to be that accurate or Play like an Engine we stop trusting? New players can also learn from Engines, If you are good at pattern recognition you might be able to keep lines in your Mind and be good at the game. Insane to see where this Paranoia went to. If we only trust engines humans will never be able to slightly getting better in Chess 'cause If I See how kramnik reacts this is unbelievable. Also on a side note, Hikaru isnt even making the best moves all the time. If there is a move you don't understand, let the Player tell his thoughts on it before going crazy. Poor kramnik…

    There’s not been remotely enough discussion about how it wasn’t 40+ different opponents but 4/5 opponents, all of whom Hikaru has a vast RL rating advantage on and in a format where he is legitimately one of the GOATs.

    Absolutely bizarre by Kramnik really. I genuinely hope he’s ok as it’s the sort of behaviour that suggests he’s having a bit of a crisis in his life.

    Hey man, I am sorry that you are being forced to argue against this guy. IDK what is going on with him but he is straight up wrong here. If you were cheating, it would show in the analysis of the moves you make (which we know the website does), long before it would show in some random win streak.

    Kramniks problem is he has no idea about online Blitz. He broke down mentally getting flagged and promised to quit it. In "real" aka classic chess such winning margins are impossible but Nakamura can flag anybody being 9 queens and 10 minutes down. I don't like that time is the most important factor in chess. You'd rather have to say I'm playing time than chess but that's another story… Nakamura is just too good and too fast for Kramnik to even remotely understand what happened to him when he gets flagged 10 moves into the game.

    As you said he didn't go to High school everything became clear. As always, the least you know the more arrogant you act, ignorance works like that.

    Projection, maybe? Reminds me of when your partner goes off about how you must be cheating out of nowhere. Typically, this happens when they are cheating.

    Kramnik lost to Hans and became paranoic

    Best thing Kramnik can do is issue an apology and take the L. Unfortunately, his ego won't allow it.

    If there is any doubt about the low correlation between intelligence and chess ability, please look at Kramnik…

    Hikaru is cheating – he's hiding the answers in his head

    Here's a simple stat. 5 coin flips is 1/32 or 3% to get 5 heads in a row. If you flipa coin 6 times, what are the odds of getting 5+ in a row? Well, the middle 4 still need to be heads. That's 1/16. And if either the first or last is heads then you have 5 in a row. Odds of that is 3/4. 3/4 * 1/16 = 3/64 or 5%. It gets more complicated with more flips, but the odds go up dramatically.

    Kramnik has no clue what he's talking about.

    Kramnik is right, 46 game streak is highly unlikely against 2950 average, and a significant part of Hikaru's games are against low rated people like 1600 elo, etc.

    Hikaru you’re the best and Kramnik’s got outta his mind, he’s full of shit

    There's no way in hell that Hikaru has cheated, you are a legend in the sport and have grown the game in ways Kramnik could never imagine. I hope Kramnik retracts his statements and changes his tune, as he will go down in infamy otherwise.

    The fact that he has a cheating scandal himself is so ironic. To have a prizepool of money to make sure Hikaru is cheating.

    Holy crap how many times do you repeat yourself?! The first three times explaining that you are no statistiks guy made it pretty clear. Kramnik should actually watch a few of your videos.

    If you have a big bag of balls, some green, some red, and some gray, and you habe one such bag for each time you pick, some with 90% green 2% red and 8 % grey, and some with other distributions, and you ask, if you pick 46 balls out of these bags, whats the likleyhood you get any of the options. That is the exactly analogus question when you only habe one subset of size 46, aka your total set is size 46. If you were to pick out 46 balls many times, such that you get 35000 games, then the question is how likley it is for at least one of the subsets to be 45 green and one grey ball. The %s of kinds of balls in the bags are what corresponds to players with different elo ratings. That is the exact problem we are arguing about, if you ignore human factors like tilt, which when studied independently could effect the probabilities given a certain rating difference. That is a perfectly good outline of the problem and if the question isn't addressed in those terms, then the answer is not good enough. Period.

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