Legendary Chess-Man Hikaru

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Photos by Lenart Ootes
Have a great day 🙂

Hikaru (3236) – OhanyanEminChess (2839)
Live Chess (Chess.com) C27 2023.02.28
C27 Vienna, Alekhine variation

1.e4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.Bc4 Nxe4 4.Qh5 Nd6 5.Bb3 Be7 6.Nf3 Nc6 7.Nxe5 g6 8.Qe2 O-O 9.O-O Re8 10.Nd5 Bf6 11.Nxf7 Rxe2 12.Nxd8 Bxd8 13.Nxc7+ Kf8 14.Nxa8 b6 15.d3 Bb7 16.Bh6+ Ke8 17.Rfe1 Rxe1+ 18.Rxe1+ Ne7 19.Bf4 Nc8 20.Nc7+ Bxc7 21.Bxc7 d6 22.Be6 Kf8 23.Bd8

00:00 Hello Everyone!
00:23 Game Starts!
01:30 Completely New Game!
03:43 Pause the Video!
05:40 It was in this position!
06:40 Contributions!


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Video created by OBS

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%1$ Comments90

    ok man these new thumbnail style is really good. great decision for channel agad <3

    A brutal game. 2800 player crushed in the opening.

    Agadmator: "The knight survives"
    The knight:

    I wonder what a 3200 blitz elo rating converts to in classical.

    I'm trying this move on my girlfriend… Come get the Vienna baby.

    Nic (J Bruce Feynman Niccolo P. Bentulan) says:

    2nd comment: Some Iranians say how Alireza Firouzja is a traitor to Iran. (Source: xbw4kx ) I have no idea if that's true, but:

    1 – Hikaru Nakamura is a traitor to the US for siding with Magnus Carlsen over fellow American Hans Niemann.

    2 – Daniil Dubov is a traitor to Jews & Russians for siding with Magnus over fellow Jewish Russians Ian Nepomniachtchi & Sergey Karjakin.

    3 – Garry Kasparov is a traitor to Jews for cheating fellow-Jew Judit Polgar.

    4 – Also some Americans and some Philippine people / Filipinos / Filipinas are traitors in that they don't consider Wesley So the REAL world champion (for the period 2019Nov – 2023Mar).

    – 4.1 – Or worse (but rare) they consider Wesley So a traitor for moving to the US when Eugene Torre (the only authority, living or dead, who can compare Wesley So and Bobby Fischer) supports the decision which was forced by the corruption of Prospero Pichay Jr who was some re-elected in 2022 July despite being convicted of graft in 2022 June.


    P.S. Please help get Wesley So on Lex Fridman's podcast. See


    #suggestion the Hikaru Evan’s Gambit game versus Robert Hess!! Great rook sacrifice to finish it off. Can’t believe you haven’t covered it!

    The knight survives long enough to be traded

    "The Knight survives." 😉 Actually it doesn't survive but takes the opposing Bishop with him. 😉

    Chess is becoming very difficult. With engines and the increased interest in the game it takes a lot of skill to stay at the top. Curious if the next generation growing up in this renaissance will fundamentally transform the game.

    These new thumbnails are crazy. Great vid as always!

    There also was a legendary chess-man called Juan Manuel Bellón who sacrificed his queen against Kiril Georgiev in the Terrassa tournament of 1990.

    I guess’s right bishop to e7- thx Antonio!

    Your mothers, must be so proud, you are first in comments 😀

    3,8 bot likes from tube. No need for me to like anymore. I will give you a few second to figure out how bots are gonna generate money by watching adds…. #StopCallingMeSilly

    Hikaru just takes takes takes.. wins.. onto the next game..

    All this while he was speaking/replying to chat 😅😅

    Please Antonio, cover the game Carlsen vs karpov 2004, iceland blitz tournament. Where 13 years old genius beat the former world champion.

    "Hello everyone and welcome to a very nice game" This is the soul of YouTube chess

    Nice play by White that worked out very well Good Game nice contest Thanks Toni

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