Luckiest Way to WIN in Chess! #shorts
What a Sportsmanship! ❤️
Video: ChessBase India
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Behind that smile we all know the pain
Sad story
noob lol
no focus ..😂😂😂
Best example for pedro pascal laugh cry meme.
Cool uncle vibes on this dude
😂😂😂 time up .
30% lucky 70%smart
30% lucky 70%smart
I do this at least once a day
Can u tell how do kids under 14 participate in chess tournaments
Proof that chess can be as wholesome and enjoyable, just as competitive as well, best thing today i watched on internet ❤
Time is a bitch
I love the attitude he had about it all.
i love both of their reactions 😂
He pulled the classic all of us
Nice humble guy with spirit
Pain behind that smile… 💔
Bro smiled, damn that needs a big heart
Bro took that hit personally💀
That moment is a comedey
Similar thing happened to me the game was a complete draw no progress was possible from both sides. But my time ran out. I stood 9th and my opponent stood 1st
loses queen
"oh crap"
loses on time
laughs it off like an absolute chad that he is
certified Gigachad moment.
Sometimes it's great to be lucky
This is me every time
Iam not able to understand how did he win? Like his time was finish right? Can someone explain?
I love how despite he blundered, he still smiled and laugh like its not that serious
"Never resign with a Knight"
-Eric Rosen
He's having fun and I like that 😁
If I were this kid I would say "I know I won but let's end this game without time"
And he sacrifices the GAME!!
Chess community doesnt seem that bad
irl blunder
The kid made and illegal move, his king was checked and moved the horse
We all know the feeling
These blind spots sometimes f**k up the entire game
AMazing botez gambit
Great sportsmanship 👏
He sacrificed….
POV: average U1650 FIDE section in tournaments.
Hasde chehreya da matlab eh nhi hunda ki ohna nu koi takleef nhi hundi, ohda matlab eh hunda ki uhna nu takleefan naal deal Krna aunda
He scholdnt have gave up, next time he schod just keep playing bcs he could have won
He handled it extremely wholesomely. I thought he was about come unglued
idk man seems staged where are all the other people
Chess is brutal
Botez gambit
The way they just laughed made my day😂😊
This is why you don't resign