Luckiest Way to WIN in Chess! #shorts

What a Sportsmanship! ❤️

Video: ChessBase India

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%1$ Comments432

    😂😂😂 did you see the reaction after giving queen away

    I'm excellent play in daam, but I don't why I cannot follow game chess . I'm willing 🙏

    Tunak tunak tunak tunak tunak doo da da da Tunak tunak tunak tunak tunak doo da da Tunak tunak tunak tunak tunak doo da da da da Tunak tunak tunak tunak tunak doo da da da Tunak tunak tunak tunak tunak doo da da da Tunak tunak tunak tunak tunak doo da da da

    One question guys why didn’t he take the queen with the pawn or was the pawn protecting him from a check so it couldn’t move

    Dumbest way to lose should be a better title.

    Qc4+, Nd5, Qxd5+, Ke7, Qe6+, if Kf8 then Qf7#, if Kd8 then Qd7#

    Nah I had the luckiest win ever but I was kinda sad the commenter didn’t catch it


    Basically I was completely losing with my opponent with at least 15 points up in material while my king was stuck in the middle and he has his queen in the middle too. I then realise he hasn’t pushed his pawns since he castle and was prone to back rank mate and well I clutched and did it. Still can’t believe that happened while me having 1.03 seconds on the clock, phew—

    Mistake happens when time is little …. Very less people remain cool during that time

    Chhota bachcha Jan ke usko na smjana re…..digi digi dug dug😂😂😂

    Luck is no coincidence – Magnus Carlsen

    Bro taking long time for his regret 😂 loosing queen 👸 😂 move on chess give you so many chances to stalemate

    Simple mistake costs a game and that’s is life.

    instead of taking the pawn with the king, he took with knight.. that where God twist us.. 💕

    It's not luck.. the boy was spot on to grab the mistake.

    Looks like even i can beat these idiots 😂. How did he get up to 1900?

    How is that a win? He couldnt dheckmate nor was his opponent winning

    Koi mujhe batayega ki timing kitne sec ki hoti h 😢 ??

    some times it happens because of tension

    I appreciate that he smiled after his mistake. Humility is a virtue.

    Botez gambit – game sacrificed, dominance asserted.

    I think you must not save your pawns until your queen is alive

    This show determination of that boy. Believe on yourself even when failure is infront of you. Stay firmed.❤🎉

    He could've done a little better, if wasn't wasting few seconds in grieving about loosing a queen

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