Luckiest Way to WIN in Chess! #shorts

What a Sportsmanship! ❤️

Video: ChessBase India

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%1$ Comments432

    Funny guy, met him in South-Zone Interuniversity tournament 2015, he play for fun and enjoyment, not taking seriously. Probably he is coach of Calicut University on that time, before that he was a player.

    Can anyone explain how did he win ? He was not even in check

    Bro just used lucky and chess in the same sentence

    We are all prone to the botez gambit once in awhile

    এমন ভুল হয় মানুসের।ইঞ্জিনের হয় না।

    I wish someone said yay or whoopee or danced a jig after winning. Celebrate:-)

    Chess is about fun and seeing him laught at his error that end is very cool

    Alexandra Botez screaming randomly at a live tournament

    Dharma Varta धार्मिकवार्ता says:

    First tournament I lost 4/5 matches.
    1 technical blunder,
    Other 3 tactical errors + fast play. 😮😮

    Κωνσταντίνος Χλεμητόπουλος says:

    That's why bullet chess is bullshit

    How bad do u have to be to not give a check right away and make it worst by losing queen

    well, I mean, the bishop wasnt gonna reach out and touch no king anyways, light bishop king on a dark square

    What chess set it is with that long king pls tell me

    When you get absolutely slaughtered by your 11 year old nephew, but still maintain the positive vibe 😆👌🏼

    the title can also be unluckiest way to lose

    Moral of the story:
    It's not the end until it is ended.

    Are they classical ratings or blitz..?
    I recommend him to play bullet chess😊

    True reason on why u shouldn't resign with a knight

    He is very humble, I would have been hit this mischievous kid 😂

    That is why Indians should not play chess😂

    It's just a game. Y'all can lose and not have feelings of inadequacy.

    Never blundered a queen myself for nothing. I pushed a pawn once that dropped a rook for free. Pretty bad feeling when you blunder pieces for nothing

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