Luckiest Way to WIN in Chess! #shorts

What a Sportsmanship! ❤️

Video: ChessBase India

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%1$ Comments432

    The fact that he managed to smile after that soul crushing defeat makes him a very likeable guy. Many players would lose their heads if they were in his place.

    Typical Indian who doesn’t know how to resign

    Queen up gives you a feel of win almost always but that's our psychological weakness & most of times we make blunder after winning queen but we loses the game ….this is the perfect example

    Frankly I don't understand how game was ended in favor of black. I m not follower of chess but just this video came while scrolling

    I had a most insane blunder. I was a rook up and I pawn pushed to make queen and I by mistake kept the opponents queen and it was declared to be opponents queen🥲

    thumbline was like that man won! 🙄 saw it repeatedly few times 🤔 ❓️

    Actually he played another blunder also.. Last move

    It's bullet so it's playable even you are less in material because of time

    feeling guilty for black😭😭😭😔

    This is like the luckiest way to win chess,

    His 10,9,8,7,6….. makes him loses the Queen

    the man be like: I might have messed up with dad

    Bro nah. I played chess with this one girl who was destroying me all she left me was one rook. And she had mate in one. I not knowing I had checkmate blindly checked her king. Little did I know I had just back rank mated her. She was the top player who got beat by me. Best moment in my time playing chess by far.

    Bro seeing on youtube this seems fun but i went to a competiton yesterday and hella it is too stressful

    I have no idea why he was pushing his pawn when he already has a queen.

    It happend to me in blitz against a 1500 fide player

    i was up a rook and did a illigal move and i thought about it till i got flagged 😢😂:)

    This is called Sportsman spirit. One could easily throw the pieces away and leave the place.

    Wt the Lil pawn is doing there by not taking the queen

    He played the move before the time ran out , but couldn't hit the clock before it ran out . Took it a champ

    As an avid player of blitz and bullet. When you and your opponent are low on time. And you blunder a queen. You dont ponder what just happened. You play the clock.


    Ojha Sir playing chess😂

    Uncle still had a high chance to win but wrong last move again in hurry

    This is why people say time can change anything 😢.

    Also easiest way to get a heart attack…

    if u have a queen just donate it & smile 😂😂😂

    i don't know how serious the game is but i feel like the gentleman just let the win

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