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%1$ Comments328

    Magnus?! Not bad, but my favorite chess player is the youtuber ReyDama!!

    Darn it, Levy gave me such a scare!!😅
    But i knew it deep down MC was finna find a way through

    That was awesome coverage of the event. Thanks Levy!

    7:42 Could white protect both pieces by bringing the queen to e1? Been really enjoying the recaps and improving my chess 🫶🏽

    Levy: Magnus plays 1.e4. Now e4’s a very interesting move, because…

    To be honest the second game was way cooler than magnuses game

    What's so special and/or different about this tournament that Magnus has never been able to win it?…

    its a rhombus. but more accurately it's a parallelogram

    excelent staring stare depth:8.6 duration:5.8 sensuality:9.0

    Ah Gothamchess, my favourite angry New Yorker.

    Levy is the Magnus of chess content creator world of our generation.

    You're great at what you do Gotham. Great video!!

    Fabiano is brutalizing people in this tournament. I think he's playing the best chess of his life. Impressive

    Day 1,000 of asking Levy to make community posts for us to rate his stare at the beginning of his videos

    In the thumbnail the man in blue shirt literally looks like T bag from prison break😅

    You should start paying Magnus royalties at this point.

    Can somebody explain me difference between this world Cup and the one which ding liren won??

    When a3 is losing but a7 an hour later is winning.

    Parallelogram. You are awesome. Thank you for all that you do

    In the search for imbalance, you create imbalance. I don't know if you knew that.

    -Levy 2023

    I thought Magnus actually lost that game. What a game!

    3 AM, drunk, back from the pub, Levy has an upload. Never fails.

    Magnus and Hikaru both pitted against youngsters

    Levy needs Magnus to stay in the tournament so that he can keep using him in his thumbnails

    man, this carson guy is really good, I hope he has a good future for a beginner

    Parallelogram not a rhombus or trapezoid😂😂😂

    to think that Vincent put up a good fight against Magnus is amazing

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