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%1$ Comments328

    Re: 1… Nxd4 in Magnus's game, how difficult was it to find? I know stockfish immediately shows this as a top move, but is it something a 2700 player should definitely find? Is it actually a "blunder" to not play it?

    Trapezoid- 1 set of parellel
    Parallelogram- 2 set of parellel
    Rombus- 2 sets of parellel and all equal side
    Rectangle- 2 sets of parellel and 90⁰ angles
    Square- 2 sets of parellel, 90⁰ angles, and all equal sides

    If the video is not about M or N it doesn't matter

    I was really struggling against a 1300 something bot and got frustrated so used stockfish to tear it apart.
    Instead I got vindicated cause this bot went even with my cheating fish for 23 moves and lost the game with only 1 mistake. I hate bots

    What happened to wesley?

    Get over Magnus, Levy. He was the best just like couple dozen other GMs. He is not the best anymore. His era is gone

    why the hell is there a separation between women and men in chess?! I thought women are (at least) as intelligent as men? Oh right… because it's way easier for them to win like this. I get it.

    “In the search for imbalance, you create imbalance”


    Nobody calls it Morphy's defence – whole agadmator's channel: Am I a joke to you? 😀

    Quit the clickbait ffs, it's getting embarrassing

    Did everyone just get a cut scene to a fucking chick filet ad in the middle of his comments on imbalance? Duhfaq was that

    Next video title going to be "CHESSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    Congratz to the ladies, your game was far superior.. cheers

    "In the search of imbalance you create imbalance I Don't know if you knew that but aaa when you create imbalance you create imba…okay I'm gonna stop" I'm weak 😂😂😂

    Gotham chess aka Levy do a chess review of Einstein's gameplay. Thanks before hand

    Hi. Just a friendly reminder that i really enjoy your content, but can you stop spoiling the result in the thumbnail. I really want to see if he loses or if he wins in his game, and not in the thumbnail. Thank you for the content Levy, and keep going. 🙂

    Wish levy would stop showing all the other lines that were never played and just show the fucking game. 30 minute videos is insane

    Okay some please dont make it so dramatic man. In the Magnus game saying there is nothing to do for him when he has a very scary a-pawn is just a wrong assesment of position. I get that you wanna keep it entertaining but its still chess so pls more chess focused and less of a drama.

    Thank you for making chess so accessible to us lesser beings.

    [levy getting home drunk from the club] maaaaagnuuuuuussssss

    Magnus needs to make up his mind on classical chess. Wins the game but calls it boring and stressful. When Chess is at its peak viewership, having the world no 1 say this is just poor.

    Levy, thank you for the analysis of that brutal woman’s game! Sasha was awesome!

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