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%1$ Comments396

    levy never fails to include magnus in his videos +

    TOPC needs not reschedule Toronto's venue but movie it elsewhere; with at least one more ticket available… Alas, I'll watch from the windows.

    Another day another victory for the og takin out the sweat

    GothamChess comment sections never fail to contain at least one comment about the ability of someone or something to never fail at something

    Bruh Magnus with the wallet phone case, respect.

    How many times god dammmit…!!!!!!!!!

    Magnus, Magnus, Magnus, Hans, Magnus, Magnus

    New Orleans is also great for three to five days, and then is probably worse than Miami

    I thought this would be 10.5 out of 11 performance in titled Tuesday.

    “I get in and I’m gonna eat everybody over there” – Levy Rozman 2023 (17:26)

    Farming hikaru would destroy all these guys too!

    Magnus never fails to make history, surviving 3 days in Miami is indeed a world record

    Pray that levy becomes well soon❤❤❤

    This Magnus guy is pretty good he should play chess

    I was happier when Hikaru had the top spot tbh

    I bet Kramnik doesn't say anything about this lol

    andrew tang is better than daniel disrespect to daniel …he's awesome

    Thank you for testing and staying home, it is greatly appreciated. Feel and get better soon, hopefully with no longer term consequences.

    Bro, I was just thinking like when people say that dude was like playing 3D chess, what are your thoughts on that, like is 3D chess cool or hard or sophisticated? Do you ever tell people like that dude was like playing 3D chess?

    Hikaru farmed IM and FM’s
    Magnus farmed danya

    Hey magnus played an opening like me 😂. Except he turns it into a insane game whereas i just continue making mistakes and blunders

    Magnus proving once again why he is the greatest of all time.

    Magnus is part time hater, full time troll

    What a legend, he wasn't even farming 2400s… interesting 🤔 😂

    Mfer got covid tested because his throat hurt. Just gargle with betnisol in lukewarm water, thats all literally u needed. Throat hurt, yea thats influenza early symptoms

    How do you manage to milk magnus for so long ,🎉🎉

    Magnus, as a human, relative to other humans, has perfected chess. The Magician, the Mozart, the GOAT and the Demi-GOD of Chess.

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