MASSIVE WIN | World Chess Championship
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Your litterally 400
levy why you be roasting us like that?
Mate, those glasses are sick. ❤👍
why the constant title changes
Im new to chess and I absolutely love how this guy plays an entire game out in his imagination to show us all the possibilities of the best move at that time. Very informative, especially for new players. Thank you.
Yeah youre 400 hit me hard ngl
On your stream you say don't click. Here, please click. Why? You had a chance to do your makeup? Btw, Ding Nepo 6 has been over for a half an hour and no video. Are you feeling okay?
No i Will not watch
where do i get that sweater
Why is the title changing so much lol
I wanna get better, but I feel like my bad memory will prevent me from ever becoming a good chess player.
It was originally titled: “Absolutely terrible”, now “Can you please watch this?” What do you think he’s going to title it next
Seeing a win from Black at this level of play is always a story worth telling. Beautiful game.
yeah I'll be honest I'm not sure how much of the current resurgence in chess even cares about high level play. We've had a parade of incredible players for years, chess royalty, but also…chess royalty. They're figureheads. The power was seized by the engine. Top-level play will never emerge from its shadow. It takes a special perspective to even see the value in high level play after that, how uniquely human the game remains at that level. (I suppose Magnus has done a lot to reinforce that human element with his drama lol)
What's fueling the current resurgence is a return of interest to low-level play. What chess is like down at an approachable level. It's a different game, honestly. And yes, it's plagued with inaccuracies, with blunders, but the winner is the one who makes the second-to-last mistake*, and it's only a mistake if it's punished. So yeah I like 600 ELO analysis, because we're the ones giving you headaches lol
but I'm here to see what you enjoy about this level of play. I think it's only fair if you've taken an interest in us that we take an interest in you haha. Just decided I'd let the playlist fill up a little before I start.
* would you believe I learned that from my Go sensei? lol, only just learned it was originally said about chess
next time i want to jump off something with my friend i’m gonna play h3, thanks gotham
who is
I mean you gotta admit is worth coming here in this clip to watch 16:54 moment of levy saying the THE ROOOK
"No Magnus, no views." Incredibly true quote
rapport told ding that if he doesn't play h3, he will fart all night in the hotel room. which is also why ding switched hotel rooms.
Levy make UFC or MMA content, I wanna hear your takes
What is 600 ELow Chess?
19:26 no magnus no views
But now u have more views than magnus 2022 game 2
Btw I support nepo❤
never expected to get UFC spoilers on gothamchess, that sucked, but who says " did you see that pereira KO" and means he gets KO'd? i thought vise versa so it was still a fun watch.. haha
very beautiful game thank you dear Levy
3:22 😂😂😂 savage!!!
Do you really have to make so many ads for this videos?
gotham pls open a hoodie store i need that hoodie
THE ROOOOOK!!!!!!!!!
"But you're 400"
1 win for ian
If people knew Nepo's name, he would be a content machine. Been following the candidates for the past 6 years now and he always produces the most exciting games with great results.
CỜ THẾ HAGA | Những thế cờ cơ bản (Phần 86) | The art of ending China chess | ĐỎ ĐI TRƯỚC.
Bah, someone that was utterly thrashed by Magnus last time is going to be the world chess champion. Irrelevant championship.
yeah not expecting Pereira getting ko
Viewer: I play h3 all the time
Gotham: yup you're 400
No matter who wins we all know magnus is still #1
h3 was a wasted move
3:20 Levy was firing shots
Dick day 17
Small thing. You likely wont see this comment, but thumbnail gave away the victory. Ding looking sad and Ian looking triumphant spoiled the video….I already knew who won.
The fact that Nepo didn’t win a single match against Magnus still blows my mind, there’s only one king
Ngl Idc this year cus Cagnus isn’t their
Advertisement plague!
Pin it! Lmao
I don't know, Ding's prep didn't really make sense, that H2 to H3 pawn move didn't make any sense at all, he lost a whole move on that. I thought perhaps we would get an explanation for that move later, but nothing. What a waste.
"Yeah but you're 400" 😂
I would rather say no Magnus no crown my friendly neighborhood chess dude
thinking on a move for 34 minutes is crazy
16:48 was waiting for this