Most Important Chess Skill

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%1$ Comments109

    once I had an advantage of 64 pawns and some guy asked me how I won, step 1 is to lose

    White to Re8 Is forced mate, change my mind

    This is a really useful skill, now I can see that I'm losing DURING a game rather than after it

    It's a mate in 2 ryt
    Get the rooks forward

    So that’s what that +8 means under my opponents name

    One day, I'll learn enough from these shorts to win against a level one chess bot

    We all were looking for checkmate.
    I found it tho😮

    Bro as soon as it started I said white because of the m2

    I mean white can get black in checkmate in 2 moves so

    And then, when we calculate elo…

    Black to win in three blunders.

    After looking at the game for 5 seconds I found mate in 3

    I think the lesson here is to figure out which colour pieces you control before you get this far in a game

    The fact that white is close to mating black is ridiculous

    I just noticed mate in three, if black takes the sacrifice

    Does this work on dad's aswell or only friends?

    Oh btw it’s mate in like 2 moves (if it’s white to play)
    1. Re8 Rxe8
    2. Re8#

    White has a mate in 5- rook to e8- rook takes rook, rook takes rook again, check. rook to f8, queen takes rook, checkmate.

    “Two full pawns.” Bro pawns aren’t that much

    I may not be that good at chess but is Re5 a good move?

    Then my next move and my opponent's next move makes the evaluation bar
    -19 and then M5

    If it is whites turn there is a mate in three

    Dumbass me tried to find the checkmate in this position instead of listening to levy

    P.S i found it

    I just realized NOW that levy looks like project nightfall

    Evaluation is only good if you can calculate lol

    White is winning because white sacrifices the ROOK then black takes and then white takes then black sacrifices the queen then rook takes then checkmate

    W. Re8 go and black takes B.Re8 takes W.Re8 checkmate

    I literally found a checkmate while he was explaining

    Open with a4, and immediately move your rook in the game you'll win every time

    You tried to attack b.king by queen like a Knight?

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