My Problem With Hikaru Nakamura

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%1$ Comments798

    Your sister is HOTTER than you 😛 HAHAH OOPS

    great content, super clear and entertaining game! Hikaru is wrong!

    Yeah, but he's super hard to learn from, enjoy it wasn't to talk to.

    Sure he's good at chess. What else does he have?

    Everyone knows that wins at women's events do not count, silly streamer girl lol. Hikaru remains correct.

    If the coach was called Yuri, he was definitely proud about the game transforming into a rook endgame

    Did she actually go on to brag about her chess skills ,while going against Hikaru? Girl thr only reason u r popular is cause u r pretty.Accept it and enjoy life off of SIPMS.

    I'm in love with this woman and I'm not afraid to say that.

    Oh yes! The salt! Always providing flavor

    Why wouldn't Qg3 check lead into a better attacking option for black? It sacrifices the queen, but almost looks like a ladder checkmate scheme (except for the d pawn).

    There is nothing wrong he is simply trash talking and playing mind games 😂

    I evaluated all the problems from the thumbnail. Hikaru definitely has a problem, and he should be looking to Alexandra to help him. Just look at that scruffy appearance. No effort on the hair, No make up, no lipstick – he needs help clearly.

    Just the fact he said such a thing means he is scared of what you will become. He had to say your name specifically to make himself feel better. The day will come when he will eat those words.

    You mist checkmate when black wanted to tread queen's.😅😅😅

    Holy shit, nice content but your comment section is full of simps. Life of a girl streamer I guess. Btw hikaru is way more entertaining anyway :>

    … and Canada , as we all know , is a powerhouse of international chess.

    I was wondering if the audio could be just be a bit more off. It's off enough to drive me crazy.

    I love the attitude of these women who take crap from the pompous Hikaru types; who we love also. Kindness is too much for Hikaru, he cannot here answer this video. You showed him there girl.

    Great content, and throwing in the tidbits from other players is genius. The ROOOOK!!

    The rating system is intransitive and improvement is nonlinear. ❤

    bit arrogant of hikaru, he needs to remember most people are not watching for just the chess, its for the entertainment. So he's got some room for improvement.

    I feel like there will be a war within the Chess Community

    I saw one Botez video, now botez show up in my flow. Is there a block function?

    Usa 🇺🇸 girls is just big #🚽🚽 in 🧠🧠

    You should feel honoured that he knows who you are! Hikaru is one of the worlds top players.

    I liked the content as well plus million+ subscribers so you won already a lot of hearts 😊

    Saying facts can be rude but it's still facts. So fuck off then. 😅

    That wasn't a smart answer…
    The point of the stupidity of Hikaru is that winning is not important if you don't take pleasure in what you do.
    Winning is not eveyrthing in chess and in every sport.
    Should'nt you say all the positive things chess has brought you instead of givving him reason saying "bouhou i have more title than you…"

    I love your coach Yuri impersonation! 👍😆

    This point by point explanation was really helpful for me! Thank you!

    Your face when you say "to niceness" doesn't show much niceness ! Also, memeable 😉

    it is funny that Hikaru is so full of himself when he in fact is only able to win vs low elo players. when it comes to big players such as Magnus Carlsen, Hikaru is just a mediocre chess GM. and such a person like Hikaru which throws sh*t at Alexandra is proving nothing else but hypocrisy and pure stupidity for not realizing the fact that he is a hypocrite.

    Hikaru acts like a big baby for someone who isn't even WC lol

    This is why while Hikaru is one of my favorite streamer, but I wouldn't be more then casual friend with him if i knew him. He has this ultra competitive arrogant nature to him that he cannot turn off, its what makes him a world class player, but also someone who can be hard to get along with.

    That motivated me to play some chess again after so many years

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