Nepomniachtchi-Ding World Chess Championship Match 2023 || Game 4


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Photos by David Llada and Lenart Ootes
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Ding, Liren (2788) – Nepomniachtchi, Ian (2795)
Nepomniachtchi-Ding World Chess Championship ( [4] 2023.04.13
A28 English, four knights, Romanishin variation

1.c4 Nf6 2.Nc3 e5 3.Nf3 Nc6 4.e3 Bb4 5.Qc2 Bxc3 6.bxc3 d6 7.e4 O-O 8.Be2 Nh5 9.d4 Nf4 10.Bxf4 exf4 11.O-O Qf6 12.Rfe1 Re8 13.Bd3 Bg4 14.Nd2 Na5 15.c5 dxc5 16.e5 Qh6 17.d5 Rad8 18.c4 b6 19.h3 Bh5 20.Be4 Re7 21.Qc3 Rde8 22.Bf3 Nb7 23.Re2 f6 24.e6 Nd6 25.Rae1 Nf5 26.Bxh5 Qxh5 27.Re4 Qh6 28.Qf3 Nd4 29.Rxd4 cxd4 30.Nb3 g5 31.Nxd4 Qg6 32.g4 fxg3 e.p. 33.fxg3 h5 34.Nf5 Rh7 35.Qe4 Kh8 36.e7 Qf7 37.d6 cxd6 38.Nxd6 Qg8 39.Nxe8 Qxe8 40.Qe6 Kg7 41.Rf1 Rh6 42.Rd1 f5 43.Qe5+ Kf7 44.Qxf5+ Rf6 45.Qh7+ Ke6 46.Qg7 Rg6 47.Qf8

00:00 Hello Everyone!
00:35 Nice Photo!
13:15 Completely New Game!
17:38 Game Ends!
20:00 Contributions!

The 2023 FIDE World Chess Championship is a 14-game match taking place in the St. Regis Astana Hotel in Astana, Kazakhstan on April 9-30 between Ian Nepomniachtchi and Ding Liren, who finished 1st and 2nd in the 2022 Candidates Tournament. Reigning World Champion Magnus Carlsen has chosen not to defend his title. The first player to reach 7.5 points wins, while a 7:7 tie will be decided by a playoff. The prize fund is €2 million, split 60:40, or 55:45 if it goes to a playoff. No draw offers are allowed until after move 40.

Each player has 120 minutes for 40 moves, then 60 minutes for the next 20, then 15 minutes to the end of the game, with a 30-second increment starting only from move 61. A playoff will consist of four 25-minute games, with a 10-second increment from move 1. If still tied, up to two pairs of 5+3 games will be played. If tied again, single 3+2 games are played, with colours reversed each game, until one player wins.

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%1$ Comments475

    Do you have a favorite in the match? Both objectively and who you want to win?

    This is so much more exciting than a one sided match or a series of highly calculated draws, already two decisive results and it’s only game 4! These two seem very evenly matched, happy for everyone who is watching!

    At 10:19 I really thought pawn to d6 would be an awesome move: you attack the rook with the pawn and open up a discovery with the bishop that threatens the knight on b7. What am I missing here?

    "Put it there little dude" Does anyone know how tall Nepo is? how much taller than Ding is he?

    7:25 when i saw ding getting those two central pawns to the opponent's side of the board, i somehow knew it's not going to end well for nepo even though the position is equal.

    I must say, this match is already much more exciting than I thought it would be. Ding got his mojo back!

    The amount of effort you're putting in studying and then presenting these games while doing it all in a single take makes for top chess content

    What a beautiful game, bravo Ding, Bravo sir 👏

    Please be careful about using what could be considered 'spoilers' in the quotes above the board each game. I haven't seen the game yet but from that quote it sounds like Ding won—I'll watch the game now and see if this is correct.

    Love Magnus he is the goat but this is way more entertaining then the world drawpionship

    “Knights on the rim wont work against Ding”

    aaargh! attacking and winning chess in a world championship match. I love it.

    I have to watch this again… the build up is intense!

    What a Thumbnail Agad☺️..
    That smile from Ding is really beautiful to see ☺️

    Again a pretty harsh mistake by Nepo (as in the previous worldchampionchip) How can you disregard Rxd4??

    I am disappointed in Nepo. He blundered hard against Magnus last WC and now he does it again. No wonder Magnus resigned from WC

    Just my opinion. Ding looks like a super nice guy, everyday man who would be a movie protagonist while Nepo seems like an arrogant antagonist rich guy. Rooting for Ding.

    Nobody of them would stand a chance against Magnus, it‘s just like that

    If the rook didn't die there's no way that knight can enter the game effectively.

    Game 1 = Draw
    Game 2 = Nepo
    Game 3 = Draw
    Game 4 = Ding

    Wow, this is a positional masterpiece by Ding! I am glad Ding is playing this WCC since we can see some d4,c4 openings and not the boring Ruy lopez. WCC can't get any better than this.

    Excellent Game the one Blunder really cost him it was a Great offensive attack by white momentum carried him over finish line Stuff happens knight to d4 Rook captures 😂didn’t see that one coming ? Tough break excellent game it’s really something to me when you can sacrifice a major piece for a minor piece and go on to win the game that’s a lesson in itself Thanks Much

    I knew it was rook takes knight but I didn't know why. I would have done it because I would have trapped my own rook anyway so trading for a knight was ok.

    13:19 I thought rook caputure but i didnt understand the idea behind that move, great game Ding!

    Nd4 is really an incredible blunder, you wouldn't expect it from a world championship player.
    I myself, from my 1600 ELO level found the rook take almost immediately.
    The GMs during the live coverage, were astonished to see such a losing move.

    Mostly here for a fuller picture of the opening. Games start 5 am my time so they're always solidly in the middlegame when I wake up to tune in. I caught bits and pieces since I watched after the game ended and saw the commentators go over the opening slightly but I like watching these vids to fill in the picture.

    I had a super late night, woke up, opened Twitter and the first tweet was Agad screaming BLUNDER!!! so had to come here asap.
    Great stuff by Ding, hope he wins, man is too wholesome.

    I wish you would for once show the game, just as it was played, without calculating all the side lines. It is soooo distracting, "Ding could do this or this or this but and then…" If you can't, produce a "clean" version and let us decide which one to watch. Thank you!

    In the final position, if …,Rg8, White can finish with a little flourish: Qxg8, Qxg8, Rd8!

    Thanks agad for this présentation…very nice.

    Don’t bother to watch the press conference. Here is what it boils down to. Ding was happy to win. Nepo was sad with his play. And everything else was awkward.

    now this seems like the Ding that didn't lose in classical chess for like a hundred games at some point.

    It's at least curious that they both won their games with a "damaged" pawn structure, deliberately made by themselves by taking with the pawn instead of with the queen. And those pawns were crucial at the end.

    Enjoying évery video you upload Agad. Just one tiny thought from my side.

    Perhaps you should mention Rapport slightly less, as Ding is calling the shots.

    4 games, 2 results. This could be a WC with more ups and downs because neither Ding nor Nepo play the sort of perfect chess when Magnus is at the board with very strong defensive players like Caruana or Karjakin.

    Beautiful game. Just 1 "innocent" move and the game is lost.

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