Ohio Chess Finals

Clash of two chess grandmasters in Ohio.

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%1$ Comments299

    That was the most respectful chaos I've seen 😂
    And the first time people shake hands right after they point guns at each other lol

    This is probably what videogames look like to our parents

    This is how I played chess when I was a kid, didn't know Ohio invented it

    ᜁᜋ᜔ᜉᜒᜇ᜔ᜌᜓᜅ᜔ ᜋᜑᜇ᜔ᜎᜒᜃ says:

    Even the most greatest chess grand master can defeat this with the good old skills

    Use the plane so you get get rid of his 2 towers

    I'll be waiting for people to complain if this is too offensive

    If only he used Mind control on batman summon he mighthave used the batmobile later if he did the Kings amazing batman movie night wich involves mind controled batman summon the king and cheetos summon.

    Mega chessatron could probably have countered uno reverse had he played it earlier

    This legitimately looks like it would be fun if I could understand what’s going on

    Come on white how do you lose with the batman summon!

    You guys need to make this an actual game would love to see competitions

    white should've just develop his pieces instead of attacking

    Truly a great game, you can really see the difference between the low elos and the high elos in this as while white played well black was still able to crush the competitors

    pov: "This is the only move that would have worked, and you found it!"

    He need a blue nerf gun, which is immune to the uno reverse card. Classic rookie mistake.

    Obviously white failed to notice that he was able to summon the Bob Semple main battle tank after the uno reverse if he said "uno" in time…

    Is there a better version of the song? (the link with the song you put doesn't sound as good as the music you used in the video!)

    I love how they are dressed in their respective colours

    Арсений Могилевский says:

    The rules aren’t confusing
    The rules:

    honestly i lead with dice roll nuke strategy if i am in trouble i use batman or ak47 but it is pretty good

    I’ve been playing ohio chess for a while, and it’s been a while since I’ve seen such a match. Honestly really good and tactical stuff. Now, i’d you’ll excuse me, I need to go build some orange donkeys inside my nuclear corn field.

    That’s not an abacus, it’s a foot roller!

    Boys, if you need to explain the rules of the game, then contact me, pawns don't walk like that.

    Should have done the sacred moon crash to wipe the 3 pawns in front of the king then do the bat man summon to attack from behind and delevier the final blow with the armed nuclear missile in possession of the queen

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