Only Brilliance Will Suffice!

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Anand, Viswanathan (2731) – Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime (2767)
Global Chess League ( [4] 2023.06.24
C42 Petrov’s defence

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Nxe5 d6 4.Nf3 Nxe4 5.Bd3 d5 6.O-O Be7 7.Re1 O-O 8.Bxe4 dxe4 9.Rxe4 c5 10.Nc3 Nc6 11.d3 b6 12.Bf4 Bb7 13.Re1 Nd4 14.Nxd4 cxd4 15.Ne4 Rc8 16.f3 Qd7 17.Qd2 Rc6 18.Qf2 f5 19.Ng3 Bh4 20.Qd2 h6 21.Qb4 Rc5 22.Re2 g5 23.Be5 f4 24.Bxd4 a5 25.Qb3+ Bd5 26.c4 Bxc4 27.Qc3 Rd5 28.Bf6 fxg3 29.Re7 Qd6 30.Rg7+ Kh8 31.Rf7+ Kg8 32.Rg7+ Kh8 33.Rf7+ Kg8 34.Be7 gxh2+ 35.Kh1 Rxf7 36.Bxd6 Rxd6 37.Qxc4 Bg3 38.Qg4 Bf4 39.g3 Be5 40.Re1 Bxb2 41.Re6 Rxd3 42.Rxh6 Rdxf3 43.Qxg5+ Bg7 44.Rxb6 Rf2 45.Rb8+ Kh7 46.Qh4+ Kg6 47.Qe4+ R7f5 48.Rb6+

00:00 Hello Everyone!

The Global Chess League is a 6-team double round-robin tournament taking place from June 22 to July 1, 2023 in Dubai, UAE.

Players receive 15 minutes for the entire game, plus a 10-second increment starting from move one. Wins with Black are worth 4 board points, wins with White 3, a draw 1. Official website:

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%1$ Comments144

    this game really deserve longer analysis very exciting

    That's not a game a human will play .only fisher and Anand will find these sequence.

    MVL will play the weird move to lose the game

    You always show us how it's done 👑 AGADMATOR
    I am KING PAWN ♟️

    I don't feel good when I don't get an Agad review ❤❤❤😢😢

    Buho de Oro - Escuela de Artes Emocionales says:

    Living legend!

    #suggestion – Pragg vs Raunak, especially the endgame how the rook and bishop were helplessly trapped for a while

    Although they lose points for never playing b4, we still have to admire this game. Great stuff!

    Great game -Great recap ! Soon Agad we should vote for best game + best recap in last 5years of the existence of the channel 🙂

    a for analysis
    g for genious
    a for accurate
    d for dedication
    matar for me is the all four which does the matter…..🤪🤪

    This event is broadcasting on Techmahindra global chess league yt chennel

    Vishwanathan anand is from the age when TAL used to play. Just imagine him still active and ranked near TOP 10. Just incredible

    #suggestion nihal vs pragg match played today in global chess league, extremely topsy turvy with lots of tactics

    I'm going to enjoy this video with a bowl of RICE KRISPIES, Antonio 😋 HAVE A FUN WEEKEND EVERYONE 🌞😎

    Nic (J Bruce Feynman Niccolo P. Bentulan) says:

    2nd: TIMESTAMPS PLEASE #SUGGESTION or why not let viewers make timestamps in comments then you can pin the best timestamp comment and copy the timestamps to the video description?

    magnus cheats anish in round 7 superbet blitz –> 3:22:36 in 8gw7XDq87C4 #suggestion

    Agad, what's your opinion of FIDE's use of the terms 'slow rapid' & 'fast rapid' please in WFRCC?

    It's a conspiracy against Wesley So.


    (0,10) is blitz.

    [10,60) is rapid.

    [60,120) is unrated classical.

    [120,infinity) is rated classical.

    So what's 'slow rapid'?

    Try to check out the maths here – they said both 32.5min & 60min are 'slow rapid'. Does this strike you as odd?

    I see only 2 possible definitions for slow & fast rapid.

    Def 1 – slow rapid means unrated classical [60,120) and fast rapid is rapid [10,60).

    –> this means Wesley So is not classical WFRCC but slow rapid WFRCC while Hikaru is fast rapid WFRCC.

    Def 2 – slow rapid & fast rapid cut up rapid [10,60) into resp [35,60) and [10,35).

    –> 2 issues here. 60min is not in either of these. Also, 32.5 is in [10,35). So neither 60 nor 32.5 are slow rapid. Lol. Wesley So is again classical WFRCC while Hikaru is (fast) rapid WFRCC.

    Def3 –> Since 15+2=17 is fast rapid, [10,X) is fast rapid & [X,120) is slow rapid for some 17 < X < 32.5. like say X is some arbitrary number like X=20 or X=30. Lol yeah right!!

    Other suggestions related to women in chess:

    A – Anna Cramling's dad beats Mikhail Tal. #suggestion

    B – Philippine women's chess #suggestion – WGM Janelle Frayna, the 1st and only Philippine WGM, upset Georgian GM (really GM not just WGM) Bela Khotenashvili at the 2022 world blitz.

    There's a 13-move UNDERPROMOTION puzzle here.

    [Variant "From Position"]

    [FEN "6k1/6b1/1p1P3p/6pP/3pPpP1/p2NqP2/6K1/5Q2"]

    1. Qd1 a2 2. Qb3+ Kf8 3. d7 Qe2+ 4. Nf2 Ke7 5. Qd5 Kd8 6. Qe6 Bf6 7. Qe8+ Kc7 8. Qc8+ Kd6 9. e5+ Qxe5 10. d8=R+ Bxd8 11. Qxd8+ Kc6 12. Qa8+ Kb5 13. Qxa2

    For some reason none of the Philippine channels except Kelvinllovejr even cover this game. LOL. But Janelle did cover the game where e drew against Nemo, so maybe Janelle will cover this game later on.

    2016 WCC – This is relevant to the 2023 WCC.

    Please agad cover the other decisive game of the Sergey Karjakin vs Magnus Carlsen 2016 WCC #suggestion

    What happened is that Magnus lost to Sergey AS WHITE in Game 8 but then compensated for a white loss with A WHITE WIN in Game 10. This is what happened to Liren Ding & Nepo for Games 2 & 4 of 2023 WCC.

    Why doesn't a drawn match go to the player w/ more black wins (if any) s.t. Sergey Karjakin not Magnus Carlsen is 2016 WCC & Ian Nepomniachtchi not Liren Ding is 2023 WCC?

    This has happened BEFORE!


    2022 Accentus Chess960

    Vincent Keymer and Nodirbek Abdusattorov both finished with 5.0/7 and tied first. However, as Keymer won more games with Black, he won the tournament on tiebreak.


    1980 – 1981 candidates tournament

    'When the quarterfinal between Portisch and Spassky was tied after 14 games, Portisch was declared the winner because he had won more games with Black.'

    Actually maybe cover the only 2 decisive games here if not already? #suggestion


    1983-1984 candidates tournament

    It wasn't repeated! The premise was the same! Hübner had more black wins than Smyslov before tiebreaks. After tiebreaks were tied, a ROULETTE determined Symslov won!!

    Actually maybe cover the only 2 decisive games here if not already? #suggestion






    P.S. Please help get Wesley So on Lex Fridman's podcast. See





    "Only Brilliance will Suffice." – The story of Agadmator ❤

    Antonio . You promised a while ago that the Steinitz saga is almost ready we were expecting it at the begining of 2023 will be coming ?

    Global Chess League Total Prize:- 1 million US dollars.
    1st place – US$500,000 to the owner of the winning team

    2nd place – US$250,000 to the owner

    3rd place – US$100,000 to the owner

    4th place – US$100,000 to the owner

    Additionally, each player of the winning team gets US$7,500 and the manager gets US$5,000.

    I knew this game will definitely be analysed by Agad.

    Got up to do Chemistry, and ended up watching your video. Just started but I know its going to be a good one. Gonna tell all my friends at the school and library about it.

    Video got uploaded and I already like it 😂

    i know that agad will make this video🔥🔥

    thank you for helping me get rule 24 on password game

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