Oppenheimer vs Einstein: CHESS MATCH
Credit to Sportskeeda for the image:
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I'm pretty sure Oppenheimer hasn't grossed over 1 billion. Think it's around half a billion
We pronounce "knight" with a silent "k" because some monks 400 years ago decided the "k" in "kn" should be silent so they could read faster.
Now this is my type of GTE
I love how Gotham can talk about e4 e5 Nf3 Nc6 for 1.5 minutes straight like its not the most common position after 2 moves
oh levy.. you're so cute😊😊🤘🤘
11:53, why after this move he don't play Bxd5, sacrifaicing a queen for Bf7+, witcht is mate?
Why didnt you cover the amazing pragg win? Instead of this stupid fake chess game. Those matches were incredible
Oppenheimer was great, but it has not grossed anywhere near 1B yet (it’s at 650M). Hopefully it makes it there sometime!
Very lucky that Einstein wasn't nuked by Oppenheimer.
Levy got Kidnapped again
I cant believe he referenced the t-pain song. Pun intended
He got kidnapped again 😢
"pp on the pp" may be the best thing I've heard this year 😂
I think this is one of the most well explained and comprehensive breakdowns on this channel. Very educational.
Levy, guess their elo!
i luv da pp on da pp
I believe Levy to be staying at a Marriott right now lol because I am watching this from a hotel room with the same exact wallpaper and drapes. Unfortunately approximately 2600 miles away from the legends of Levy and The Tank.
Open Hymen
Oppie applied Einstein's theory of relativity in arguing why murdering a few hundred thousand Japanese civilians is a relatively small number. It would take a hundred 9/11's to equal the score.
Gotham turned into Eminem at 14:20
PP on the PP 🤣😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣
“Very logical game, chess is”
– Master Gotham
Oppenheimer really falling for them trojan horses. he may be the bringer of the new age of death, but hes falling for the oldest of tricks
Hi Levy.. I am a great fan and love all your chess videos.. keep doing what you do and maybe 1 day I can follow in your footsteps too… and maybe u can also share your secret sauce of how you got over 160,000+ views and 672 comments in the forst 7 hours of uploading…
Is magnus
"Gotham is the best chess channel on YouTube!" -Einstein, according to the internet, probably
These guys are way better than I thought they'd be
Sadly this game almost certainly did not happen, but its fun to think about and interesting match. If curious, this is the best info i could find which was from an article by Edward Winter.
“Our fifth ‘Chess Mysteries’ article noted that the Dictionnaire des échecs by François Le Lionnais and Ernst Maget (Paris, 1967) reproduced from Freude am Schach by Gerhard Henschel (Gütersloh, 1959) a game purportedly won by Stalin, and that the Dictionnaire expressed some doubt about its authenticity. Strange to say, exactly the same occurred regarding a game attributed to Einstein…
On pages 51-54 of his book Henschel presented the following game ‘which Albert Einstein played against the American nuclear physicist Oppenheimer’: 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bb5 a6 4 Ba4 b5 5 Bb3 Nf6 6 O-O Nxe4 7 Re1 d5 8 a4 b4 9 d3 Nc5 10 Nxe5 Ne7 11 Qf3 f6 12 Qh5+ g6 13 Nxg6 hxg6 14 Qxh8 Nxb3 15 cxb3 Qd6 16 Bh6 Kd7 17 Bxf8 Bb7 18 Qg7 Re8 19 Nd2 c5 20 Rad1 a5 21 Nc4 dxc4 22 dxc4 Qxd1 23 Rxd1+ Kc8 24 Bxe7 Resigns.
No date or venue was given by Henschel, and the note of caution in the Dictionnaire was ignored by subsequent writers. Page 415 of Şah Cartea de Aur by Constantin Ştefaniu (Bucharest, 1982) described it as a ‘game of historic value’ played in the United States in 1940. Pages 157-160 of El maravilloso mundo del ajedrez by Emilio Carrillo Alonso (Mexico City, 2002) gave both the Stalin game and the Einstein one, heading each of them ‘Moscow, 1926’. Elsewhere (e.g. passim and ad nauseam on the Internet) the date of the Einstein game is recorded as 1933, and the venue as Princeton.
A. Soltis gave the game on page 372 of the July 1979 Chess Life & Review, introduced with a claim (devoid of any corroboration) that ‘it was apparently played in the late 1940s when Hans Albert Einstein, son of the Einstein, and Robert Oppenheimer were both on the faculty of the University of California at Berkeley’.
What, then, is the truth about the ‘Einstein game’? More specifically, did Henschel’s 1959 book mark its first appearance in print?”
Love your mic
Bro got so tilted he designed a weapon of mass destruction to blow off steam 😮
I only 12 seconds of the video you already got my like lol !
You gotta stop using that line about chess positions and atoms in the universe. It's wrong. There are 10^80 atoms in the universe. In a chess position, each of the 64 squares is occupied by one of thirteen possibilities (pnbrqkPNBRQK or empty), and 13^64 < 2*10^71. You could also keep track of whose move it is (x2), castling rights for white (x4) and black (x4), if/which file en passant is possible in (x9), and a 50-move-rule counter (x100) for a grand total of < 6*10^75. Also, if you're talking about legal chess positions reachable from the starting position then it's way harder to count, but supposedly around 10^45.
Oppenheimer wasn’t very good at chess….
pp on the pp – put pressure on the pinned peice. Brilliant.
There are more atoms in the universe, because there is no limit of it.
When he said “that is a bomb being detonated on Oppenheimer’s position,” I don’t know if he was intentionally making that joke, but I laughed anyway.
Noch we need Barbie vs newton
MC´2 by Einstein anything to to do with Magnus Carlsen?
I heard they produced the movie just to boost Gotham’s views.
mittens needs to stop kidnapping levy
more than the number of atoms in the observable universe.
No one:
Levy: "Now here Einstein probably makes a mistake"
this game was never played.
The K in Knight used to be pronounced in old English during the Anglo Saxon period of English history. Around roughly 700 AD or something.
Oppenheimer played einstein because he was too scared to play ken
Haven’t seen Queen’s gambit, got into chess a week ago because of your video popped up in YouTube
The whole more moves than atoms in the observable universe is only true if you count illegal moves. If you reduce it to legal moves it drops to a much smaller number. Actually it’s sooo much smaller than actually it’s close to the scare root of atoms in the universe. It’s still a ridiculously large number but we should stop repeating this sentence. It’s rather easy to fact check it.
Yesterday’s CNN headline: FIDE bans transgender women from competing in women’s chess events pending ‘further analysis’
Oppenheimer probably tries to play the intercontinental missile opening with white
people hate the truth, but this is what peak chess performance looks like