PAINFUL 600 Elo Chess Match

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%1$ Comments751

    Wow, I actually guess correct at 3:10, h4 is obviously an AlphaZeroesqe flanking pawn move….

    ROFLMAO. I am terrible at chess, but I literally watch these to see your frustration at watching these games. It reminds me of me when I rewatch my games…so much frustration.

    My Elo is also 600 but I can’t be this bad, right? Right..?

    Hello, I just uploaded my first YouTube video! If you have the time you should check it out and let me know if it helps, thank you so much!

    😃 now I understand why you love playing chess… this is chess cake

    Philippines my fellow its hard to watch

    How come they are 600 and they are GMs?

    Me as a 600:


    Also me: Dang only 6 blunders that game how did i looooose?!?!?!

    I play very rarely and I'm 600 rated. I'm now very confused because there's no way I'm this dumb, right? It's a lot harder when playing, I get nervous af when I'm against another human. ( I have now watched the whole game and I can confirm, I aint even close to this bad)

    This… was painful. I would consider myself to be an 800 player, but this… so much pain

    Stop it,Jakakaka!!! Your killing me dude .. Nakamura vs Karpov, LMAO

    this was the best video i have ever watched

    Oh so when Magnus walks the king across he's a genius but this guy gets him behind enemy lines and it's hilarious?

    i imagine a monty python scene with a king running through enemy troops

    I had a funny game like that too at some point, where my king was in constant checks, I've lost my queen or king side and ended up, with the king in the other's king territory, literally 1-2 squares away from the king, while…. and this is the pretty part, there were over 8 pawns on the board, bishops, queens, rooks and knights 🙂

    then I won by mistake by getting my queen near my king and the enemy king haha

    When you here levy say and white/black resigned i feel😅😅😅😅😂😂😂😂

    Reminds me of the Aristotle quote, the more you know, the more you realize you don't know.

    I think it would be better to play Ne4 because the check means no matter what happens the white queen can get captured

    3:08, no cap, I actually guessed the move after he said, you can't guess it because it makes no sense. Instantly, I said out loud, "H4"

    Sometimes, when I blunder a piece and feel like a complete idiot, I got back to this video and remind myself that I could have been like these bozos.

    Guys how are they both GM dont you need over 2k points?

    10:33 oh my god just attack the damn queen with the damn horse already you got a free discover check

    I kid you not, I somehow guessed the move h4 just because of how ridiculous and nonsensical it'd be.

    As soon as he said "you'll never guess what white plays here in your entire life" I was immediately ready for H4 and I'm both equally proud and sad that I expected it. 2:45

    bro my peak was 648 and this game was painful for me to watch 😂

    Hey, Gotham random 800 ELO here, (10:13) in video isn't it better for white to play (Ne4)CHECK, and win the queen?

    man i laugh at this but i know damn well i would have done some of the same moves as well ffs


    Remember that episode where the guy runs his king to the other side of the board mid game for no apparent reason until it helped him and there were jokes about when the king went to the other side it becomes a emperor there is now a duel of emperors there must be a battle between the 2 who can use the emperor the fastest and quickest I want the guy who made chess 2 to add the emperor screw it im making chess 3 win by getting an emperor the other side must defend for 50 turns who wants to invest

    8:24 the best move is knight d4 levy/Gotham chess 2k elo IM- me 600 rated random guy confused on why bishop f2 isn’t on his mind also 10:06 “now the best move is taking the knight on h3” levy/Gotham chess still a 2k elo IM what is better a knight or a queen the example he said where there is a bishop trade I just don’t trade ok so you can win a knight and a bishop 6 points or a queen 9 points choose me still a 600 rated random guy

    im starting to think these games are 2 high level players trolling everyone

    The two animals prancing around the savannah” but the animals have down syndrome

    I ma not lieing, but at the start off the video, when white played h4 i knew that was going to happen cuz i am unexperinced yet i always see my little sister doig that

    where can I send to You games? I have one which I think is quite good, there even was my 1st brilliant move, so naturally I'd love to hear review from sb who is as good as You

    My toxic trait is that I could have done better, but my games are even worse

    11:23 "h e d r a n k a l o t o f w a t e r a n d t h e n h e t r i p p e d"

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