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%1$ Comments816

    How long will Levy be the number 1 streamer?

    actually stockfish argues about the end of the game (king d3) saying it is an inaccuracy

    Chess masters when they play against me be like:

    the only mistake Sevian made was going up against Hikaru

    I have always loved Gothamchess, especially because of his major knowledge when it comes to chess. Eric Rosen will always be horrible.

    It’s professional that you respond to hikarus cold take on the streamer awards with love. A class act as usual Levy.

    I love how he speaks seriously about Hikaru going cxd6 then rxc6 when the whole second rank is free real estate

    Stop praising hikaru he’s bad and we all know that you are actively helping him in order to avoid being suppressed by him like he does to every other chess channel

    Hikaru was so good that before they even started, hikaru already had a 0.5 advantage

    Yo the most recent 1.5 million subs that are flooding the comments with obsession over the stare at the beginning of each video is getting weird.

    The stare my dad gives me when i play the caro kann against him

    Levy randomly singing out of time for no reason was wonderful

    Wait, I thought it was not possible to play a 100% game*. Kidding, that's so 2022. There will no longer be suggestions of cheating for such games.

    * whatever that means when you can use one of several engines, several depths, several number of processors, and pick any one of the first three suggestions for any combination

    shoutout to huschenbeth, hes got a nice chess channel for german speakers

    Hikaru: insults GothamChess
    Levi: responds with love

    looks like someone is using an engine to play chess 🙄

    I also play c4 most of the time and I am 620 elo😂

    The knight that was "bing chilling" caught me of guard fr

    Oha, Niclas Huschenbeth has played this? Amazing. I am a German viewer and I really celebrate this fact. 🙂

    He won with white pieces. What's the big deal?

    Gotham congratulations on being a third away from 10 million

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