Secret Chess Trick!

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%1$ Comments498

    I would know that if I were playing the game instead of looking at a picture

    I remembered when he said "PP on the PP"" (Put pressure on the pinned piece)

    Me: sees check
    Also me: doesn't see knight takes queen

    Ya totally went for that rook move and thought it was great as a move.. ha NOPE

    I saw the check immediatly, i feel smart 😌

    That’s the first thing I saw when I paused the video

    The mind of a 750 elo. I thought take the knight with queen and he'd take with his and then fork. So much to learn

    my friends who only knoe how to move thr pieces 😈

    Wow… i was hoping for "And he sacrficed THE ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOKKKKK!!!!!!!"

    Jokes on you I don't have any friends 😎😎😎

    After "but waitttttttttt" I understood that the video makes sense

    wtf 3k?

    Last time i was this early Magnus hadn't lost 2 games In a row

    Whenever there's a puzzle in a GothamChess video, all I can think about is "and then you sacrifice THE ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK"

    Levy left the job of being Magnus's reporter and stalker.😂😂
    Good job my man.

    Edit: ohhh thx for those juicy likes.
    Mom: Son you are famous among chess nerds

    Yo yo levy how can I send u my games?

    yeah, that never happens though, like twice in every 20 games

    Yoo I actually look for checks

    But u moved it on the wrong square 😢

    Such good information given so nonchalantly. Levy has helped me so much. I can’t cheer this man enough!!!

    That works but 1 problem my friends are 1500 to 2100 fide elo and im about 1900 strength

    Please talk normally. Your efforts to emphasize what you are saying are annoying and distracting from what you are saying.

    The second i saw the Knight up there i knew what to do.

    Damn i didnt see the queen take, im just petty enough to check the king out of spite

    There's a king/queen fork via black knight on h2 – so you do not take the white bishop on a6

    I GOT IT RIGHT BEFORE YOU SAID IT. Those chess puzzles are coming in handy.

    Am I smart or stupid? I saw that knight move first, but it didn't even cross my mind that that bishop could be captured. I was just looking for their king's weaknesses

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