Stockfish Has Fallen
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What abt torch the absolute menace that spawned into chess
Let Stockfisch play white
Do they play same opening but with opposite roles? If so, would be cool to include some into the video to show the difference
Did you guys see the fork 14:48 edit I meant possible fork
Ngl levy is the best narrator, he somehow finds a way for a 600 like me to understand top engine move and get interested in chess
Deep fried thumbnails lol
Great video. I'm not into engine vs engine… BUT when they produce these types of games I'll watch every time. Good one Levy.
I want MOAR
This is always great to watch.
"Try to copy what these engines play"
Yeah, that's what got me banned. Thanks.
Матерящийся пустозвон полностью подтвердил свою репутацию. Сказал, что "я вам сообщу, когда закончится заранее заданный дебют и компьютеры начнут сами играть" и естественно в первой же партии ничего толком не обозначил. Словоблудия много, структуры нет совсем. Словесный понос..
i just bought his book this shit better get me to 600 elo
The analysis and discussion of why Leela does x, plays y, etc, when in pre-programmed moves is very odd.
You need to make a video on Prag and Vaishali, for the Indian fans sake.
Hikaru is better than stock fish his performance is 3600+
Man i can kind of follow the big boys duke it out but damn these things play out 500 different games at the same time my brain is cooked after watching these
9:35 willing should be a new term, when you're winning so hard on your opponent that you're rolling them
Bro we need another stockfish vs alpha zero
Levy, I was wondering why the computers are always forced to start with standard chess openings? Do they make stupid plays without enough pieces developed? Does it bog down into a totally locked pawn game? Is it wildly offensive with insane sacrifices or would there be 150 moves without a piece being taken? Exceedingly curious..
Stockfish is our king
He will never truly fall
stockfish and leela like a sibling rivalry in engine chess both are so close in strength but fighting ruthlessly against each other
I think this stockfish guy may be cheating
Please make more AI games.
Can any chessbot win Stockfish while playing as black?
Can stockfish n leela play one complete bullet game in 1 sec???
Something tells me that stockfish wont be used for human game reviews for much longer
Ture i watch entire chess bot games video and miss magnus, hakaru etc games
Didn’t stockfish win?
Question!..did these two engines use TBS?
These videos are hella entertaining
You dare blasphemy against the FISH!
wrinkles on your forehead has increased significantly, I noticed them now.