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%1$ Comments581

    is knight to g6 a good third move

    I'm acctually pretty happy cuz i beat a 2200 elo opponent for te first time:)

    Sherlock Holmes music from Russian serial is the best part of this video!

    Am i the only one that moves their knight to g6 bc f6 is technically a loss if they jump in.

    "so we're very happy"😮😮😮😮😮😮😮

    Comment to get more real levy videos rather than stolen levy content

    They develope their queen early? – gosh I'll milk this until I'm fully developed

    And then play knight D5 , ut attacks the queen and threatens a fork

    A lot of times when im in this I’ll move my knight to h6 as they normally don’t notice the defense on the pawn. Gotten too many queens this way.

    man i remember how like a month or so ago i saw a check mate told myself to defend it and just moved a knight fo literally no reason and lost on the next move

    In second move Nh6 protects the checkmate square


    The 1700s, Mozart, Classical, Violin, Masterpiece ahh musical goes perfect with any chess video

    I'm surprised that alot of people in this comment section don't know about this

    NOO 😭 no wonder people havnt been falling for it

    And the best part is that anyone at a lower level that decides to play this is immediately going to blunder after. They hang their Queen in 2-3 moves after almost every single time. Because they don’t study past the 4 move mate. I literally feel relieved when someone tries to play this against me.

    I dont like studying chess theorie so i just mess around.
    I am currently working on beating 2k rated bots and destroy my fellow sub 1k players whence i decide to play a single non-bot game every couple weeks.

    I finally know how to properly play the queens wayward attack. Thanks Levy

    or you can play knight h6 if they play scholars

    in lower elo i would premove knight h 6 and he would think i messed up and try to scholars mate and i would be up a queen

    I usually play knight to h6 after bishop c4. It baits people into taking the f7 pawn but then it is defended by the knight, which low elo players don’t see.

    Is levy even a real IM… I am 1500 and these moves people do below 500 elo… what the fuck is he even talking about 😅

    The amount of times people try this on me every time I play is ridiculous. But they get disappointed every time 😂

    i use knight h6 mostly, i am at 400 elo And some times players do fall for it , giving away their queen.

    For like 10 games in a row players played THE SAME EXACT MOVES and it was this queen attack, and i played the same defense and because they had a half baked defense with a bishop and a queen i won all of those games

    Gotham casually teacher people how to counter the opening that he himself taught to us ahaahah

    ah this would’ve been useful in my first week

    Bro I’m 600 elo and everyone finally knows how to do an actual good opening

    whenever my opponent plays the scholars mate i always end up winning their rook after 4 moves…

    Thats exactly how i play against it and ive never watched this video

    As a low Elo player I love trading queens when they push out like this. Half the time they just resign on the spot.

    The vivaldi in the back make this more elegant

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