SUPER RARE Chess Move!

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%1$ Comments728

    i think bishop promotions and castles checkmate are rarer but nice move 🙂

    So whichever one of the 25 moves we just witnessed is the rarest one?

    I know some people hate the ROOOOOOOOK. Others love it. I am part of the latter. 😉😉😉
    But what a way to create a checkmate!

    I like Levy but sometimes he just needs to shut the f**k up, he knows this so it's fine but I just thought i'd put a reminder in.

    i thought the peasont only could go straight unless it attacked forward and to one side? but there was nothing to attack?

    Yellow the unfortunately very handsome Cow says:

    The Waffle House Has Found Its New Host

    oh so thats what happen to me and my homie last time playng

    The Waffle House has found it's new host

    Sadly, it was not the real Magnus Carlsen but his evil cousin Magnus Carlson.

    The Waffle House has found it’s new host

    The Waffle House has found its new host

    holy hell the waffle house has found a new host

    Huh? Why was it check? Did i not read up on rook lore

    Imagine winning to Carlsen and people referring to you as 'Magnus Carlsen's opponent' 😂

    Bro I did en passant in my second game I was like how did I did that

    what's an En passant? I don't know much about chess (used to play but then I moved and so didn't have anyone to play with so I lost interest).

    The Waffle House has found a new host

    10 years ago I didn't understand how this worked. Now I don't know why I couldn't understand how it works. Funny how that works.

    The Waffle House has found it’s new host

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