The Egg

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%1$ Comments475

    This is a very good way to learn tactics. Keep playing it, Black or White, and the learning of opportunities will bloom.

    do u know the century egg opening it is the chinese variant and the knights are together as they are trying to eat egg

    "Magnus Carlson plays THE EGG!!! Hikaru then SCRAMBLES TO FIND A MOVE"

    A big center egg. An omelette? Maybe.😂

    Might be a stupid question and I know this isn't really a serious opening but what's the point of playing g3 and then g4 instead of g4 immediately? Is it literally just because the word "egg" has two gs?

    Gotham, regardless of the title of your videos or whatsoever content they contain, I’ll always click it and know with a 100% guarantee that I will be entertained

    The Egg was invented by Grandmaster Gregory Hirsch. So it be, so it is.

    I just played the egg, and it did suit my style, so goood

    First time I tried the egg dude immediately fianchetto’s the bishop and takes my rook on the third move. So ya, a little bit of a handicap, you could say

    First the cow. Now the egg. I love where chess is right now 😂

    Watch Magnus play this at his next tournament

    Ahh yes this reminds me of The Chad, c.3, h.4, a.4, and finally a devastating d.4!

    I’m ready for magnus to start playing the egg in pro tournaments and beat gms like it’s nothing😂

    I was so confused because i clicked on this thinking it was a Vsauce thumbnail

    No cap the egg opening looks good Im going to use it thank you Levy

    The amount of opportunities for puns in this episode… that would’ve been eggsalent

    Clash of Titans of the century: The egg vs The cow openings.

    Who shall win? Let's find out!

    Upvote if you want to see an egg vs cow opening in action.

    Levy is looking incredible in the latest videos like health wise

    When will we get a chessly course on the egg?

    Ahh yes emotional damage and sicological damage lol

    Aww man you're not beating Anna's cow sorry 😂

    Scrambled, Poached, Sunny-side up, Overeasy, Omelette, Fried, Frittata, Quiche and McMuffin variants coming soon.

    The only chess YouTuber with four million subscribers and he still can’t play chess

    Okay I'll bite…what makes the egg better than the eg (2. g4 when white)? Why take 2 moves to get the pawn to g4?

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