The Hans Niemann Story Continues…

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  1. Levy, I've a question that I would love if you addressed it in a short or a video.

    What ever happened to the term novelties in chess? I.e. "That move is a novelty."

    I feel like I used to hear that a lot in your videos when I started watching in 2020, but not anymore.

    Am I wrong or?

    The only reason I can think of is that it's due to the growth in popularity of terms like brilliant moves.

    Keep up the great work! (Ps: started watching at 800 now pushing 1500 elo, thanks man!)

  2. Man, not covering the maurizzi game is a crime, it was so wild

  3. "he's letting the taste of the food speak for itself" – Mocking lvl9999 🙂

  4. I would be mad about Gotham's click-baitey, borderline fraudulent titles if I didn't already know that's what they were, and if I didn't love his content so much.

  5. I haven't even bought the book YET!!!!! but im giving that thing the finest 5 star review

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