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%1$ Comments260

    And i thought botez gambit was a joke !!

    KORCHNOI is my favorite chess player…I was brought up reading a book about the Karpov-Korchnoi and Spassky-Fischer World Chess Championship…! I loved Korchnoi as a character and I loved his counter-attacking style of play…! also had a pretty terrible time with the Soviets…!

    keep up the historical chess games my G

    Nezhmetdinov wasn't unknown in his day – not at all! He was Tal's training buddy and very well known in the USSR.

    Seriously gothamchess is nailing the chess content with his brilliant knowledge,thanks to him

    I think the most famous international master is Levy gothamchess Rozman

    Hey levy, im a long time viewer of the channel and i would really love if you made the victor korchnoi video

    22:25 "white is up a queen for a pawn " levy rozman — 09-jan-2024

    Also a fun fact about Rashid: he was the first person ever to be granted master titles both in chess and checkers.

    про нашу нацию сделали видео

    Nezhmetdinov is agad's favorite player…!

    Ждем видос про Корчного!!!

    Fun video. Thanks Levy. I wonder if his sacrifices in some of these games were sound or not.

    WTF! 16:01 is the softest rook sac in this channel's history. don't do us like this levy

    I re-suscribed because of these videos. Thank you Levy for posting great content again, I missed you

    Don't change the titles ! Don't be a scammer … I watched that a few days ago. I won't downvote this time because that's a tolerable video …

    This was epic! I love these historical players videos! Please bring on Korchnoi!

    Crazy plays, was he more unhinged than tal?

    Technically Russian draughts is not called checkers at all. That name is usually reserved for the so called anglo-american checkers.

    I know of a better IM his name is Levy Rozman

    Botez gambit? nooo, Najmiddinov gambit

    Very nice video i love this kind of videos thank you and yes i think we would like a video about Korchnoi

    Hey Levy, I hardly ever comment on YouTube but this video was good I felt I had to make an exception. These games were absolutely genius. Thank you so much for the excellent content- please do more of this! You are an outstanding storyteller and teacher, keep up the great work. 👍👍
    PS I’m sure it could be found elsewhere but I would LOVE if you could break down the best games of the Karpov Vs Kasparov era (maybe even as a series?). These guys were giants of any era and probably produced some of the best Chess ever played. Would be fantastic to get your analysis on it and reintroduce them to a younger generation.

    Дорогой Леви! Верное произношение – Че́рников, ударение на первый слог 🙂
    Dear Levy! The correct pronunciation is Chе́rnikov, emphasis on the first syllable 🙂

    Nice vid. Just an fyi – Agadmator has covered both Nezhmetdinov and Korchnoi on his stream. You should check them

    23:23 "…And his name is Rashid Nezhmetdinov"? Nah, his name is Rashid "Gangster" Nezhmetdinov!! 🔥🔥

    Yes please also cover Korchnoi. This recent series looking at the classics has been beautiful

    Amazing video. As someone who likes chess and history I loved it. That Tal game was a big wow. Unfortunate he started so late in his career. He certainly had the talent to be a GM. Cool video. 💪🏻💪🏻❤️

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