Unknown Chess Pro Broke Every Record

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%1$ Comments260

    I love these historical Videos! Keep them coming

    Hey @GothamChess, great historic video! There was a slight inaccuracy, Kazakhstan is not part of russia. It's completely different nation, culture, tradition etc.

    I dont want to be that guy, but WW2 ended in 1945…

    That game vs Tal was absolutely bonkers. Had to pause it numerous times to follow all of the complications even after you explained it xD. So many wonderful tactics, thanks for this video

    No "Levy never fails" comments. This is how great these historical videos are. Thank you for bringing them back, they've always been my favorite.

    Thank you so much for bringing Nesh to your 4.53 million subscribers. He was the best. You get second best Gotham.

    I’d love to see a Korchnoi centered video too

    Should he get the Grandmaster title: his game vs Polugaevsky is arguably the greatest King Hunt of all time with the Greatest Queen Sac of all time; he forces his opponent to take his queen. That game alone is arguable worth the title of Honorary Grandmaster. Tal's quote at his death said it best, "Rashid blessed me with the last tournament being in my hometown. Though he did not win, the prize for beauty as always he took with him."

    Rashid is to chess what Bo Jackson was to American sports. Bo stat line is a replacement level player and sub par fielder; but his highlight Real is the greatest of all time. Rashid three greatest games are arguable 3 of the 10 greatest of all time.

    I think Levy is the most famous International Master ever

    That first game it was clear Rashid had absolutely freaked out his opponent with that queen sac as the opponent's knight check move was just a straight loss of a knight for no purpose.

    Goddammit, now the newgens know Nezhmetdinov.

    Живя в Казахстане даже не знал про такого игрока

    Tal said that it was the happiest day of his life when he first played against Nezhmetdinov and lost

    This guy might just be my favourite historical chess player.

    As somebody whos only been playing chess since 2017 and only an average of 7hrs a day since…. Ive only heard the name Nezhmetdinov. Ive never witnessed the games. These beautiful games combined with your storytelling gave me the biggest smiles and excitement ive had in a while. Thank you.

    Thanks for posting this video of one of my chess heroes. As you rightly say, he was a legend and should be up there among the gods of the game.

    Хахаха я видел ету партию обожаю ейо так прикольно што ти зделал та ейо обзор

    Am I the only one who thought this was a bait thumbnail with an AI aged Magnus? XD

    Now I am re-interested in Mr G's content!

    Awesome, I applaud you for this one. More historical legends!

    My 4 year old legit traded a queen for my rook today…. lol.

    He was good friends with Tal I think. Did they not study together and influence each other's play.

    YES! I like these cover-up vids of legends and historical players!! Please make more! Atleast before Tata Steel Masters starts…

    Idk levy, I think you might be the most famous IM

    Was just about to comment in previous video that history is not fully covered in chess without the name of "rashid nazhmadinov"

    Damnnn, that was 🤌🏼🤌🏼, quality

    This was one of the best deep dives you've done, honestly. Epic, beautiful.

    I would like to see a video about Magnus Carlson

    It was a great video, but I don't think he broke even a single record…

    I love to see this! Please do Frank Marshall, he's also one of my favourite attacking and dynamic chess player. His games are super entertaining to watch!

    Thanks Gotham for making these type of games of legendary titans

    Talking about chess history really brings out Levy's passion for the game.

    I really like these videos. I hope Levy can find a nice balance between the more click-baity videos which make a lot of money and also videos like this which could make his legacy.

    Still waiting for the video on Veselin Topalov

    Doctor strange from the different universe

    This is one of the only guy I can mention ahaha big fan of him

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