We Randomized CHESS And This Happened in FPS Chess

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Play an ordinary game of chess against a friend or a stranger.

However, all your intricate strategies will crumble before the enemy rook’s sniper trick-shot.
All your practiced openings and counters will amount to nothing before the enemy queen’s randomly sprayed machine gun.
You finally checkmate the king. Unfortunately, it seems you are not ready for this fight. 5 seconds in and you’ve been sliced in half by the king’s sword.
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Watch Blitz play other awesome games:


%1$ Comments126

    😂 you so funny and the sponsers is great

    did anyone saw the phote bihind the charie

    Guys he showed his face before why are u surprised

    Somehow he looks exactly how I expected. White, short brown hair and a short-trimmed, full facial beard.

    Never been so accurate.


    Day 1 of trying to convince blitz to play Buggs

    Apparently, chess is super popular now thanks to Gotham..

    That ad transition was sick, but it'd be better if we ahem COULD SEE INTERN, TOO cough
    Not pressure or anything, I just know your face isn't a sticky note.

    That sponsor ad was awesome! Y'all are so creative.

    When I saw the title I thought he meant the chess Pieces were random like a pawn could have a kings powers

    I had a pair of raycon earbuds for a month but they broke.

    It's been a while since I last seen blitz's face

    i cant run this game over 2 frames per second, and you can run mods!!

    I was watching this video with my raycons

    I’m surprised to see so many people that have never seen his face before.

    Dose mitle name in high school count as nickname in high school?
    Nickname in high school counter 2023: 5 (+1)

    Seeing blitz irl looks like bob the builder but human

    When you watch the sponsorship just to keep seeing what blitz looks like rather than actually paying attention to the sponsor.

    That sponsor bit was the most unique one I've ever seen

    Blitz, i am a smol channel and really want to get noticed by you. Your videos are amazing and funny and if you have any tips for gaming and getting vews please tell me. 😊

    another awesome video of blitz and intern, awesome!

    The only thing missing from the ad was, "Thanks for sponsoring my crazy ass, Raycon!" No, wait– that's Gray's line. 😀

    This is one of the series that is different every time and I am all here for it

    This is my first time seeing you in the 10 years I've been subscribed…
    And tbh I thought you were like 40 😅

    Blitz looks exactly how I imagined him to look. Tbh, very handsome. A welcome surprise

    I just realised that I have the same eye color that you have😂

    Literally this was so fun! Gotta admit, Intern’s skills with the bishop was incredible to watch.

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