We Randomized CHESS And This Happened in FPS Chess

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Play an ordinary game of chess against a friend or a stranger.

However, all your intricate strategies will crumble before the enemy rook’s sniper trick-shot.
All your practiced openings and counters will amount to nothing before the enemy queen’s randomly sprayed machine gun.
You finally checkmate the king. Unfortunately, it seems you are not ready for this fight. 5 seconds in and you’ve been sliced in half by the king’s sword.
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%1$ Comments126

    My favorite part was when you showed up πŸ™‚

    I’m listening to this through raycons right now. You were actually the person in one of your old sponsorship videos who got me to get them.πŸ˜‚

    im going to start a conspiracy theory : that's actually Inter & bliz is just dubbing.

    Do you know what is great about headphones with wires no recharge needed

    I came after 1 hour and am proud of myself.

    I like how Blitz is warming up showing his face

    It was weird to see Blitz irl. He looks too much like an engineer, only missing the hardhat.

    You look better than I thought 😭 that’s a compliment no homo

    blitz you can pair the bigbolts with the arrow minigun

    I don't know how to explain this but i thought you would be thinner because of your voice

    I'm still waiting for cat goes fishing gameplay mate ;-:

    Blitz bringing a sword to a gun fight with the old pawn vs new pawnπŸ˜‚

    uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh well you see fortnite x chess crossover??????????? for real?????????????? omg??????????????

    I don't completely understand why we need 2 cams while moving the pieces

    Less go Fps Chess.
    time for
    More illegal chess

    Love your videos blitz keep up the great work you put a lot of effort into your videos and if you could can you play a bit more raft so enjoying your vids 😊😊😊😊😊😊

    Those chess feel like when playing with your friend as kids and somebody just starts throwing the figures at the opponent

    What does intern look like the world may never know

    nice video keep up the good work πŸ‘

    The irl footage was surprising, but nice

    You didn't open the box with the cleaver how dare you

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