Welcome to the World of Chess ♟️🗿

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    Hikaru, be like..Take take take and take and checkmate..yes Yes, yes

    Hikaru :- If his queen take this, I takes this takes this take takes takes takes takes…
    Opponent :- moves the pawn 💀

    Feels like the intro to a sitcom about chess 😂
    I would watch it😅

    Bro tried to sacrifice his king to make draw

    I love how all of them are crazy but in different ways

    Hikaru looking around for checks in the roof

    Why was garry taken what did he do?

    When Levy found brilliant move be like:

    Faltan muchos en este vídeo. Grandísimos maestros increíbles. El maestro francés y el maestro italiano.


    "You can't mate me if I mate myself first"

    at least My boi ian pulled out something 😂

    Where is agadmator?All chess videos started from him in youtube.

    Bro should have said Levy Rozman because many people doesn't know his real name 📛

    Why the hell was garry being dragged away like an boy who crapped his pants

    Please someone give me context to the Garry clip

    Vidit sacrificed his king for no more checkmate threats💀

    This is my first time seeing this and it's so true aswell HAHAHAHA

    The way he skipped Anand😢

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