Welcome to the World of Chess ♟️🗿

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    Bro gotham chess became the knight trying to jump over pieces💀🗿

    Hikaru's kung fu moment would have served better

    Why the hell levy is in there with this legendary players and Bobby fisher not. He also did some crazy things

    Garry sacrified himself

    Levy pretending to be Knight's horse but there is pawn blocking the way

    Vidit sacrified his king

    Hikaru casuallycalculating how he will defeat the opponent in 56 moves in his next game


    Gotham chess is not his name his name is levy rosemen

    kalo boleh tau sang legenda Garry kasparove kenapa ya?

    So everyone is everyone but Levy Rosman is Gothamchess… Understood have a nice day

    Levy Moments we can never forget 😅

    Не хватает Макса и его когтя бобра

    Damn, Garry should look for his illegal moves more carefully

    A Random guy who is new to World of Chess be like:
    Okay… So.. who did we got here…
    1: A Criminal
    2: A sleeping guy
    3: An Overthinker
    4: A surprised guy
    5: A Flirter
    6: A Monkey
    7: Just a Normal person sacrificing his king

    @magnustal can you give me link to nepo's dancing video

    Garry kasparov:don’t need legs
    Army: we got this sir
    Some more seconds:
    Gotham chess: I wanna flyyyyy
    His chair: leave me aloneeee

    Chess is just a game. But the players are where the real funs at.

    Me waiting for frank the feakin tank is heres😅😅😅😅😅

    Levy's clip was hilarious

    At this moment I'm sure that Hikaru is being helped by God or the roof, and they make sure to show him the whole game

    Hikaru casully playing chess analysis with his brain in the first picture💀💀

    Vidit played SpartanChess wherein the King goes to the frontline 😂😂😂

    For those who didn’t know: Kasparov was in opposition against Putin

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