What happened to Hans Niemann?

Photo by Lennart Ootes, the GOAT: and

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%1$ Comments540

    Gotham has more people on his hype train than his ancestors on the way to auschwitz
    Love that guy

    It's high margin, sir. There are many available mistakes leaving a high margin for error.

    Seems like Haowen has a lot of potential. Really nice game.

    Margin of error is low. Good job though!

    I wonder if Hans is on some kind of relentless mission to play in so many tournaments and games that by pure numbers he ends up facing Mr Cry Baby head can’t fit through door Carlson

    "what happened to Hans Neimann?"

    Judging by the thumbnail, 'a good haircut' is not the correct answer.

    Hans loosing without cheats… how surprising 😂

    Eric Rosen says he is playing a tournament in Vegas where Eric is playing ar

    That much money is worth more than my relationship…

    Right when I saw this I was like “who the heck is he?”

    He’s plugged up. Really put the clamps on em

    The way Haowen Xue throws away pawns reminds me of AlphaZero lol

    he’s disappearing because he knows he can’t actually play at the level that he has been pretending he can.

    Playing c4 and sacrificing a pawn to open up the bishop then playing c5 to block it back in anyway gives Sigma vibes

    Low margin of error indicates having little room for error, while large margin of error means you can make mistakes and still be ok

    levy confused me now is it high or low 😭😭😭😭😭

    This Guy is A funny Dued… he's say ok get out of Here !!! LMAO

    Hans is only the most active chess player because he wants Levy to cover his games

    блин 4:20 утра отложу сон посмотрю видос

    I’m confused what is this about cheating and magnus Carlsen

    Hans should just stick to online chess 😜😜😝😝😰😰

    Love how people with less than half of Hans rating are saying "Chess speaks for itself" every time he loses.
    Everyone commenting that would lose all of their matches against all of the players featured in this video.

    Great content! Insane finds. He must just study every obscure line and know them by heart. That or stock fish 🎣

    He made chess speak for itself

    Hans is like the anti-hero of chess right now. Despite all the allegations and insinuations thrown at him, no concrete evidence of him doing wrong. If he could qualify for the next candidates tournament, it would be huge for chess. I hope he comes out of chess cancel culture stronger.

    Xue has spoken for himself 😊

    I feel like entertaining is just a synonym to the word clown😂

    Regarding your "margin of error" tangent, it would be low. A high margin of error would allow for mistakes.

    The kid Hans was playing at a 2700+ performance. Kid is clearly just underrated and will probably be a future GM when he gets his norms

    The reason why is he took the thing out his ass

    Appreciate you really for showing this bizarre world of chess

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