What happened to Magnus Carlsen?
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Magnus has completed the main story and is now completing side quests
Money happened
💀💀 this age not well
This aged well
Polish ending 🙂
Went on winning the whole tournament…. Fng GOAT!
“Magnus took the wok to Poland” that got me😂😂
This aged like milk
Dude has been untouchable for years
Did what he needed to do
Proved to everyone and himself
Did everything
Stop being fun and tired of dumbing himself down
Chess probably feels like work
Why not leave on top
Nothing left to do
Magnus is probably a strong player at a lot of things
Levy i love u but dont ever hate on the celtics thats disrespect lol❤
You can't stay on the cutting edge of chess forever.
What happened is that he won a championship while playing football and sleeping 2 hours
Let him play with handicaps… if he wants to put more effort into surviving the challenge he puts himself into or even win, the position he is facing, its something he can try for fun and as u say it can get trending 😀
Botez sucked all life from him
Now I understand why Bobby Fischer went mad
You spoke too soon
Obviously he decided a while ago that there's more to life than chess.
Who is here after he won the tournament?
18:20 Yes
He won the tournament lol😂😂
Magnus wasn't playing Kasparov, he was playing, sumrandumjarkov
Magnus is finally free. He can do whatever he wants
Title: What happened to Magnus Carlsen?
Levy "I'm not going to be the guy who says 'what's happening?'"
lol good video man thanks for sharing.
It reminds me of Michael Jordan. He was the best playing basketball and switched to baseball but he came back after 1 or 2 years. Maybe is what magnus needs.
Subtle: Magnus was probably drunk, playing the Polish opening.
I DISAGREE COMPLETELY… This is 100% sensationalist media. Magnus is the *REIGNING* Blitz AAAANND Rapid World Champion and has the highest FIDE rating in the history of the world. I suggest waiting until he slides back to 5 or 6 in AAANYTHING… before suggesting that his game is falling apart. This is a bit lame.
Studying poker is a rabbit hole. "There is a house in New Orleans… and it's been the ruin of many a poor boy."
Maybe he just got bored of winning.
Im not making a joke btw.
ofc bozo opening has to be called polish xD
“Magnus took the WOK to Poland” 💀
it's a break he took from being always on chess bioman
hi levy do you speak hebrew?
12:40 pun on ding liren
His chess ressurected on the third day
YEAH ITS REALLY OVER BOSTON but they just won last game and the next is home
I hope he doesn't pull a bobby ficher
Get out of here??? Hahaha!
What happened is he started finding poker far more enjoyable
guys he has a ding
What happened to Magnus Carlson? A human being is what happened…
This guy is the #1 magnus dickrider
19:31 little did you know the very next day….
He's just wanting to get out of chess because his hystarical accusation destroyed his own reputation and, soon, his bank account.
I dont know what the fuck the boston celtics(?) is but that was hilarious
Ok tell us the truth : did you pay him to lose the first games and then win five in a row or are you secretely a psychic ?
He is having fun. The goal was to end the game with starting time on clock.
thats very sad. Devoting your entire life to chess takes its toll, he just started enjoying his life while he's still relatively young.