What’s A Grandmaster
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Are you a GM?
Is below 15 good?
thats abslothly one of my dreams
I've join a tournament and we lost just now😢
Are you a gm
How to become a nerd 🤓 chess grand master
Hlo…. Champion is here, i am grandmaster. Name (GM)संदीप पांढरे 2800 NORMS
How to get elo?
hi im a 9 yo with my older brothers acc and i practiced last day and im now good
Always wondered if GM or high rated player's games are affected much when they get high. I'm just a hack but weed does not seem to detract from my game. A few drinks though and I blunder about every other move.
Shit I am already 20
I'm 12 and I'm 600 elo so I think I've got more than enough time
I'm not a Grand Master , but I am a Master baiter
How much Elo ? And Fide Elo or Uscf Elo?
I am 11 years old and my elo is 230. So I am bad at chess right now. ☹
Levy i was 1100 elo now I'm 400 after 2 years break now how do I get to that level again
Just like others say levy guiding to the treasure which he cannot possess
I wish to be a grandmaster but im still 10 and 500 elo, Youre my inspiration in chess. Thank you for your advice!
Thank you 😊 lezy
What is GM
Can you tell us Like how and Where did Chess game stàrted a little history of Chess
I thought world champion was a title above grandmaster
Im 20, still young??🥲 I've started 1 month ago playing and im 930 elo now
After i heard this i started all the way
So what if you're over 50??
I'm already at 1000 elo and I'm 13.
Grandmaster I'm on my way
Me at 40…😅
I'm 17 and start playing chess now accidentally
Am 2417 rated 😢
Your rank is 2700 and 2800 why are u not a grandmaster
Gand Master lmao
*Martin left the chat*
Wish me luck guys its gonna be a hell of an adventure
what does he mean by young? like what age should you start playing chess to be able to reach a GM level in your life?
Is 22 considered young for chess?
Are you a grand master
say hello to Grand Master Gotham
For once he was talking like @imangadzhi
Meanwhile levy : 2499 his whole life
Am 14 playing chess, could become a grandmaster
But levy is not a gm
i'm flexing with being a grandmaster on league of legends
Only thing I hate about chess is that it’s like 90% based on memory. It kind of takes the fun out of being creative. Only times I think you can be creative is in the middle/end game. I’m not a big fan of memorizing so many openings just know the basic ones and enjoy the game. Too many people get hooked on having a high ELO rating.
does 18 years count as young??
I identify as a grandmaster with a 500 Elo rating
a grand master is highest tittle someyone can get
champion tittle has left the chat
Mine is 900
I thought the minimum is 2200
What does cm mean
Hey I’m only a 200 Elo in chess and need some help improving please help me