What’s A Grandmaster

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%1$ Comments116

    Guess it's impossible if I start being a 20 years old. But idc, I'll just enjoy the game

    How to improve our skills and become a grand master pls give some advice

    Being a GM in 20yrs old or more is impossible 😂 but CM NM FM are possible to a non rated players, thats easy if you are having alot of money, because you need to spend alot for nothing just only for taking a titled of CM NM or FM joined in any national on board tournament then paid your opponent for a Draw, alwaysly a Draw thats gonna happen even my friend FM he is not gaining a win in 2000 to 2300 rated only a draw sometimes thats best of 10 blitz he lose 6x but he draw 4x the most important to him is gaining a Ratings Up on National to taking for titled application on fide.

    But that's so expensive to a normal players that no money. Because joining in on board tournament is so expensive 😂 so not all chess players afford it to joined, you need to spend hundred dollars for only 1 on board tournament for not intenioning to be a champion only to gained a ratings its like you are flashing your money into the toilet 😂 you became a titled players but you are not improving your skills ask a chess player.

    "How do you become a chess grandmaster?"
    Try asking someone who actually is to start.

    that one 13 year old that is a GM and there's me a boomer who is blundering queens

    Me searching how to become a grandmaster after stalemating Martin.

    If you wanna become a grandmaster and you're watching this and you're old, then tough luck

    Can a person 47 years old, just leaning chess, achieve that title? Is that unrealistic? Should I retire to the hills to die in peace?😂

    there should be new title: Super GM, only for those over 2750-2800 ELO

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