Why I Built The World’s Largest Game Of Chess In Minecraft Hardcore

Why I Built The World’s Largest Game Of Chess In Minecraft Hardcore

This is the 3rd episode of my 1.19 Hardcore Minecraft lets play series! In this episode I built the WORLD’S LARGEST GAME OF CHESS all in Hardcore Minecraft.

Watch The Last Episode: (How I one Shot The Ender Dragon)

Concrete Duper:
Honey Farm:
Piglin Bartering Farm:
Gold Farm:
Shulker Box Farm:

Most of the music used is licensed by Epidemic Sounds

This series is inspired mainly by Wadzee and aCookieGod.

👍Thank you so much for watching the video! I hope you have a fantastic day👍

%1$ Comments436

    idk if its just me but i kinda wanna pick up the pieces and start playing chess

    All his pain starts with the sentence, “which I wouldn’t do manually”

    How would it work

    beautiful but white king shuld stand on white square not black the seme with black king on black square

    Thank you Mello. Me, my brother and my niece got inspiration from your video, and we are building big chess on our server now. Good luck

    now you have to play a game of chess and each move you have to break the pieces and move it to the spot and build it again

    How does he only have 6k subscribers , the video and editing are so good I really hope one day you will get recognised by the community and blow up as a YouTuber

    I personally don’t like chess blowing up every little community Im in is going to be really big I’ve played chess for 3 years now I just want it to remain small

    I realy like ur content keep it up maybe u will become the next technoblade

    "and I suck at it"
    Bro your 1100 elo thats like really good I'm like 750+

    i have been watching 3 sec and i love it already

    Summary of the vid: So I made a farm for it

    0:16 you didnt even bother to try and replace magnus carlsen's norway flag lol

    I will subscribe to help your algorithm

    I think the king you should put diamond block instead gold block

    now, play a game of chess with that chess board

    It's kind of trend now to keep Vary simple hand made drawing of face as a channel logo for legendary minecraft youtubers like dream and Sandiction

    'And I suck at it'
    proceeds to show 1140 elo while I sit here with 160

    the way that he biulds 10 farms for one biuld

    You could download a mod where you build something and then place something to miniaturise it into like a 1 block space and then use it on this and use it for decoration 😮

    This is crazy, even the fact that he hearts like 80% of his comments is just so amazing, keep up the amazing work Mello!

    Are you nowigen say in one of next vids from ur new sub

    mello: i need to make this farm but for this farm we need to make another farm that supplies the material and for the one that supplies materials i need to make another farm for the materials for the materials of the first farm

    i relly love your montage 🔥❤

    Play a chess game in each video so one piece moves each video

    Next thing you know he's gonna make a video about him making the entire universe in one chunk.

    Alternate title:Making 21923737 Complicated farms to make some pieces on a board

    I like the soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

    the replay file corrupted when filling is INCREDIBLY sus, but the video is good

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