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%1$ Comments432

    Nice to see some high level chess again

    "It is the custom, when you speak Chinese, to give full names as Family-Name Given-Name, unlike the European (and Arabic etc.) order. However, people with Chinese names interacting in English, with Europeans, sometimes reverse their names to conform to the common European practice." You are entitled to speak names in the European way, Levy, since you speak a European language. You are entitled to speak English, Levy. Chinese people are not offended when you speak their names in a European manner. Feel free to be yourself, rather than trying to adopt another person's culture. Some people are offended when people try to adopt another person's culture.

    I love how it says ur the dad of Benji but he says “dad didn’t teach me that move” when u teach all the moves.

    Damn shawty, they letting you shower while you're being held hostage?

    Wait Theres an exclusive womens chess Championship? Why?

    Hmm.. not sure why so dramatic in the thumbnail when the games are.. draws? Just giving feedback.

    this video just goes to show the difference between a male and a female playing chess

    FINALLY!! I find it really hard to believe Levy wont cover the Women's Championship.

    i will not watch this vid not because it's women things they are very emotional but because you sound like someone as a gun on your back too unemotional

    “She has more space on all 3 sides of the board” ???

    how exactly is a drawn game of chess like a tourist asking directions??

    Thank you Levy.. Finally someone talks about the women

    levy surviving yet another day of being held hostage. what a legend

    Isn’t a Women’s world champion a bit sexist? Should we call Ding the Men’s world champion?

    Props to levy for survivng YET another day being held hostage

    i don’t understand why there is still a gender segregation in chess, it’s not a physical sport so gender is irrelevant

    As a female chess fan I’m so stoked Gotham is covering the women’s top event!!!! women in chess deserve the same spotlight as men and it shows Gotham means what he says when he says he supporta us 🫶🏼🫶🏼 Huge huge kudos

    Size matters when stockfish is talking about it.
    -Levy 2023

    Levy clap 10 times in a video if you are being held hostage.

    Here the summary:
    Lady and gentlemen, today im extremely excited to announce a beginning of a series here on gotham youtube channel to cover shabby idea and click bait because I'm too stupid to think of a thumbnail

    Levy next world champion. You can Levy believe in yourself!

    I think, even today, judith polgar could smoke both of them.

    How about Chess Grand Tour in Croatia?

    Women championship? Really? This is an intellectual game why do we need to divide it betwen men and women?

    Levy i really like your content and hab been watching you for years. But the cringe of thumbnails like this make it really really hard for me to klick on them.


    Don’t make videos with blowjob-face thumbnails. Every one of them loses you 16.5% respect.

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