Andrew Tate explains how chess will improve your life
Andrew Tate learned chess at a young age from his father, the late Master Emory Tate. In this interview he explains how learning the game helped shaped his view on life for the better.
"Im the only centre pawn, im going to be a Queen someday and im going to cut my thingy"
@Top Chess
A game can still be won without a Queen, but can never we won without a King
the last demonstration of the knight taking the pawn is literally hanging a knight lmao
Remember that the queen isn’t necessary to win the game. Neither are pawns. Only the boy’s can get you the victory
gonna have 5 queens in the endgame
As a king of ur own chessboard can be a pawn in another's kings chessboard
I can’t count the amount of times I find myself using chess terminology in every life. It really does apply to sound decision making, being aware and focused
its funny because I recognise the final board position as Morphy vs the duke and the count in the Italian opera house in Paris in 1858
Don t forget the game ends only when the king dies
Two kings, I win
Pawn promoting to queen: romance with secretary
In Tate's case you just have a bunch of camgirls and make them give you all the money.
cant wait to sacrifice the queen in real life
You try to king mate,, aren't you gay?😅
You try to king mate,, aren't you gay?😅
I don't agree with the description of the pawns, but chess is great for the mind.
I don't agree with the description of the pawns, but chess is great for the mind.
I don't agree with the description of the pawns, but chess is great for the mind.
You try to king mate,, aren't you gay?😅
I had to sacrifice the Queen in mid game 😢
Queens obey the king? Na
can't wait to get royal fork irl!
2 things: 1. this is a paul morphy game, nice. 2. tate is absolutely babbling this is so stupid.
Without a queen, i can still win
Quick question – is facing rape and trafficking charges considered a "shit life"?
"she has to obey the king" 😂
Tate is the queen
Remember king is technically weaker than pawns at a bunch of points in the game. Don’t care if they are important you want to push them to the side (castling). it’s just a bad metaphor.
The pawn working for you then works you. He become fuc**ng transgender
Explain about queen trades and promotion
Life is not chess. This man is an idiot. Listen to him if you want to have a sad life. The only reason it "works" for him, is because he got loaded by extorting people
Life is not chess. This man is an idiot. Listen to him if you want to have a sad life. The only reason it "works" for him, is because he got loaded by extorting people
Life is not chess. This man is an idiot. Listen to him if you want to have a sad life. The only reason it "works" for him, is because he got loaded by extorting people
You might not like him but he has a point
You might not like him but he has a point
You might not like him but he has a point
You might not like him but he has a point
andrew promoting pawns to queens irl
andrew promoting pawns to queens irl
andrew promoting pawns to queens irl
andrew promoting pawns to queens irl
And then the worker pawn becomes your 2nd queen
And then the worker pawn becomes your 2nd queen
And then the worker pawn becomes your 2nd queen
Life is not chess. This man is an idiot. Listen to him if you want to have a sad life. The only reason it "works" for him, is because he got loaded by extorting people
Bro explained the ent life in 1 minute
I love chess
Long story short. He lostnnnnEdit: guys my cameras lost, my mother cant get it too. ThanksnnnnEdit 2: Top comment by a long shot I think 💀.
Thus metaphor isn't deep is just shit