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0:00 Intro
1:02 Game 1
7:54 Game 2
15:08 Game 3
20:50 Game 4
28:15 Game 5

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%1$ Comments900

    The last game is the reason why Guess the ELO is so dope. That was nonsense!

    Pls add time, i know You Said stuff about it Time ago

    Okay, but what if i AM a zoomer who needs a dopamine fix, huh??? What then 🤨🤨🤨

    20:30, gotham i love watching your content in the bg, don't let a single nobody who doesn't want your W energy ruin it

    My first time watching this on the first day… time to buckle in.

    I think ever since chess streamers got popular, many people learn chess completely backwards.

    E.g. I only watched youtube videos before starting to play (no studying, no theory etc.), and after a couple dozen games I'm around 900-1000 ELO, and I know ZERO openings, but my middle game feels much better than my average opponent's at that level.

    Where can i send my chess game for this Guess the elo

    bro is confused.. like what hell just happened here…😂

    Pls can someone ecplain how to submit a game to gotham chess i would love that he rewiews my gamee

    The sequence with Bxd7 was not hard to find. Idk why Levi thought they were so high rated.

    I have a fever and seeing this in my feed made my day a lot better❤


    when your guess is more rating points off than your actual guess…1100 vs 2300 lmao

    The stare today was a 0/10. Levi didn’t even stare today. How disrespectful. We’re all disappointed now.

    How does one share a game of chess to be on gte?

    Can game number 2 please get its own video

    Wow, the series is back, and its worse then ever, fucking terryfic content

    Im afraid one of these days it’s going to be a game I sent when I was lower elo

    I remember guess the elo and I'm so happy that Gotham has brought it back

    Why do you sound so flabbergasted by each move, your type of content appeals to zoomers who need a dopamine fix, and they like loud yelling. I'm a sophisticated viewer, and I would only like to partake in the consumption of content, from a creator such as Daniel Naroditsky, International Master Eric Rosen, and power play Grandmaster Daniel King and sometimes also Chess Network. You need to calm down Gotham, why do you yell after every single move. Instead of not departing I'm just going to critique it and I will write about it in my new publication Chess Videos Weekly. Oh yeah 🤓🤓🤓


    Finally dude, literally this week I was like,”it’s been forever since the last episode,” I missed this series

    Okayyyy bro just saying if white sees that his/her pawn is pinned to the rook after Nxe4 he/she gotta be much more than 500! (26:24) Before continuing I'll take a guess that both are like 900-1000 rated.

    when 2350 plays like 1100….ok, ok, alright, ok

    F in the chat for all the chatters that said "Hi Youtube!" before the recording started.

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