He Thought My GRANDMASTER Mom Was A Beginner In Chess…

We went to Washington Square Park in NYC and this park chess player thought that my mom was a beginner in chess, even though she is a grandmaster. Watch until the end to see his reaction when we tell him!

Watch my first encounter with Johnny here:

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#annacramling #chess #grandmaster

%1$ Comments900

    4:19 mom is like: 'please let's start so I can explain you some stuff myself'

    I loved watching your mom just playing along so funny 😂

    Anna C You Are The Best Ever Chess Person…

    …I Love Watching All Your Carry On…

    …Ruy Lopez Defence Worked For Me In My Teens And 20's…

    I could listen to him explaining chess for hours.

    Men explain me how to play chess, right? I'm joking! Those sir looks really kind. Great class!

    Homeboy should have known better by her hand movements when she took the first knight.

    Hang on… My guy just played 2 H5 against a GM?

    Ballsy. Stupid, but ballsy.

    This is how you prep the soldiers for the First World War

    This guy is entertaining, but he acts like he's talking to a three-year-old. It's a bit condescending.

    I don't know about you but i learn much thing from this man.

    That was great! The passion, the wonderful analysis and instructive story telling.

    This man is really passionate about chess

    I remember this guy cheating in a pervious game. Makes me wonder if all that flamboyance is just WAAC masking

    I finished watching because this man is such a great teacher! Love how he responded in the end too.. humble man! Humble grandmaster mum too!!!

    But still, chess is so fucking boring. There are so many great boardgames these days. No need for chess

    These videos crack me up. I think the guy following them around with a camera is dead giveaway that they are trying to look like amateurs for content

    I thought this was going to go in a different direction since he was talking A LOT (to teach) but he seemed so sad at the end when he found out she was a grandmaster like he wasted precious time. He obviously loves chess and wanted the chance to play a real full game with someone so experienced. He seems so sweet, I felt so bad for him around 10:1910:26

    Why do i have a feeling like he is talking about more then chess.

    I love that man narrating the plays and getting all immersed in it. He has a heart of a child when it comes to this game and it's amazing. Some people may look at him weirdly, but honestly it's just because everyone else is too afraid to be compassionate about something they enjoy. Good for him. I hope he learned from the mother

    I bet when it is dark outside he gathers his bois to play the forbidden chess: giving every figure an ultimate move.

    Reminds me of an old dude I used to work with. I started running into him at a bar downtown and we played a lot of pool together. The old masters are an eccentric sort but you'll fuckin learn to git gud 👍

    This guy has more passion than any grand master in the world. He is living the battlefield

    I feel like the Rocky song is playing in this guys head the whole time.

    Why is it that the beginning of his speech about “taking land” sounds like something Colonisers will say to the oppressed. It gave me chills, horrifying how many people have that kind of mentality ingrained in their minds and then apply it to everything else. Sad world, great game.

    I came for the bait and switch but stayed for the fun man with the chess stories ☺️

    The horse was with her. ❤
    It was heartwarming to see his reaction, probably the most exciting player he had ever played equal to his excitement in teaching her ❤.

    Thanks for sharing ❤❤❤.

    I've been playing chess for over 30 years, a lot of the knowledge that I have was actually obtained through miyamoto musashi's book of the five and the art of war by sun tzu

    Of all the amazing content Anna has put up, the two videos with Johnny from this sitting are by far my favourites. His joy at knowing Anna's mum is a GM, and wanting to play her again, is absolutely precious.

    I loved his explanations. And his enthusiasm when he found out he could play someone who could challenge him. True spirit of an intellectual athlete. 🤘

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