INSANE Guess The Elo

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%1$ Comments675

    I'm at 806 and I guessed White (in the first game) was around my ELO but Black played like 620 at best.

    My first live GTE it definitely lived up to it!!

    24:00 you think these guys play caro kann in 1350??? Get out of here.

    this guess the elo video was so insane that he went bald

    I never noticed your eye's colour but with a thumbnail where you are bald , it shows how their colour looks good

    27:38 And in this position, Gotham Sub sacrificed… THE ROOOOOOOOK!

    Hey levy , just want you to know that there's alot of comments on your twitch in Hebrew (Google translate , not an actual Hebrew speaker) which are antisemitic

    That "stop how ur playing imme- curry dropped 50 points??WOW… Good Thing, that thats completely meaningless to me" ._.

    StrategosOne should change his name to StrategosOneFifty

    F means the stream crashed because of an old COD meme of "Press F to pay respects."

    Also, the streaming issues may not actually be ISP-related and it could potentially be related to your PC. I'm not sure what your level of knowledge is regarding PC building or hardware is, though. Have you done any troubleshooting on your machine?

    Went from 70/80% accuracies a few months ago and now I'm getting consistent 91%-96% accuracy games, all thanks to Gotham and a few other chess creators
    love and appreciation for all those who share their passion with the world

    Hey levy I just hit 1700 thanks to your videos so keep making great stuff

    Anyone know how to submit a game for guess the Elo?

    I just like you authentic vibe. I did well when you didn't edit out your first time opening the game.
    You are so good being you!

    that was an amazing episode

    gotham needs to switch to a better internet plan because what is $100 a month

    i love to roll up while watching Levy

    puting Northern lion on the thumbnail is such clickbait

    In the second to last game, the sub actually had mate with the rooks but did not do it

    “We’ll go back to normal thumbnails”, said the liar 😂

    In all honesty I love these thumbnails.❤❤❤

    i wasnt watching when u paused so i thought i accidentally hit another video 😂

    The black's King walk of shame was hilarious I loved gotham's monke reaction

    Levy, you chronically underrate the players, in this for content or something more sinister?

    27:45 the best rook sacrifice ever.😂😂😂
    And levy’s reaction lol😅

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