Is Hikaru Cheating?? Kramnik “YES!!!”

On November 24 Kramnik tripled down on his accusations.


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%1$ Comments491

    Sue him, make a statement with that! He is falsely accusing you and that makes you feel mental pain that you can not go through normal day! Be smart!

    I'm trying to keep up with the news…vlad said hikaru is cheating and it's mathematically impossible to win 45 games in a row, mathematicians came out and said yes its possible and now vlad is saying, nah yall wrong?😂

    he is going to be like
    the late fisher soon

    And look if there is title Tuesday cheating and kramnik is looking into it, then its doubly important that the methods are rigours and the credibility is there, and making mistakes is bound to happen, statistics is difficult, so the best outcome i think is if whatever is being thrown around about your record is dealt with properly with rigours methods, put to bed and everyone can walk away having learned something.

    Kramnik is so delusional it's actually insane. He should really seek some help. Throwing accusations left and right without providing anything, being very disrespectful and speaking in a way as if he knows everything and everyone else is stupid, including professional mathematicians.

    drama continues 🤩😍🥰😘🤩😍❤❤❤

    you should invite kramnik to a OTB blitx match and beat him in front of his face and shut him up for good.

    In this moment in time it seems as if persons who deem themselves as important don’t like their worldview challenged, especially if they are from Russia. …. 🤔

    im to stupid in math and computer to cheat and i have 700 elo

    Kramnik wants people of the new chess generation to forget about the toiletgate scandal , Kramnik was the original ultra-suspicious chess , being accused of using computers.

    Bad time to be Russian first you start a war with a peaceful country then you start a war with a peaceful chess player. I guess you are a b*tthurt with both since you are losing and look a complete idi*t in the process.

    Its sad to see the man who dethroned Kasparov accusing the one gm who explains his each and every move of cheating.

    Tbh its not a good look to be so hyper defensive about this. Just deny it and move on. You've made 5+ videos about this, just lay off it.

    In the early 90s I watched a chess show on British TV. Once they invited Karpov and instead of talking about something interesting, he was constantly bitching about his matches against Kasparov. All the conspiracy theories, being wronged by Campomanes, he covered it all. Suspicion and distrust must be an integral part of Soviet mentality.

    Its absolutely braindead to make out a long win streak to "prove" that someone is cheating. Every even half decent cheater knows you have to loose every once in a while to not arouse suspicion. If Hikaru was actually cheating there's no way he would be dumb enough to have this long win streaks.

    Besides from the Elon Musk thing you talked about, I think the rest is legit

    Hikaru dude! You clearly have normal overall results because probability will have variations and performing a new record does not label anyone as cheater, plus where the hell is the proof? Data analysis is not solid evidence of cheating 🤷🏻‍♂️

    i dont understand anything about this

    I take Hikaru at his word, much like his base (which I imagine is massive). If he wants to take a case of proof further, though, I'd suggest working with a mathematician or small group or mathematicians at a local university to write a research paper on Kramnik's claims of cheating. This would get published in a research journal and undergo the peer review process. And there you would have your scientific research for your case. An example of such a paper that predicts cheating based on moral attitudes: Moral Attitudes Predict Cheating and Gamesmanship Behaviors Among Competitive Tennis Players, Frontiers in Psychology, 2017-Apr-02, Fabio Lucidi et al.

    Kramnik is a known cheater from the times of the Toiletgate!

    I love hearing Kramnik talking about maths it helps with my imposter syndrome

    with enough games playing against weaker opponents, i would expect you to have 100+ game winning streaks, even 10000 game winning streaks… its just a matter of how big is the sample size. randomness is not something that is common sense to our minds, large numbers can be counter intuitive but one way to simply think about it i guess sort of an analogy is luck often comes in "clumps" or clumped close together, bad luck or good luck. Kramnik is obviousy past his best and sees to boogie man in players who surpassed him with engine training, he can never reach the strength modern players are reaching.

    Bro you're Asian you can be a expert mathematician whenever you choose

    Kramink jealousy is not from your chess skills. It is because that he can't make money out of online chess anymore, because he is inferior to younger players. He is just a loser and I suggest you make content and jokes out of him, make him the clown he deserves to be.

    Kramnik is discovering social media and internet. xD This is not 1990's where only few can watch what he is saying, and the securities are very limited.

    Kramnik has become a toddler that throws temper tantrums once in a while. Best to ignore him and move on with our lives.

    Time for a lawsuit!… the end of the day.

    as far as kramnik providing data thats actually futile because everyone else already has the data too and the math guys are telling him hes wrong. Its not possible for him to have secret data.

    World Chess champion pretty much is worthless now, losing respect for chess players the last couple years. Do these chess players rly think they can do math when they have 0 idea about it? Just cause some toadies tell them they are geniuses? Be humble and learn Mr. Kramnik, you are making a fool of yourself…~~

    wow ! totally lost respect for kramnkik , the funny thing though is all this ruckus about being mathematician/statistician or not, this only requires common sense or 12th level very basic knowhow of probability. when large number of games are played some unusual results will be there ! the odds that hikaru gets such streaks few times in his career is almost a certainity given the number of games he plays. who is kramnik trying to fool. what a looser !

    Im a simple man— I see “Hikaru’s cheating” content, I click

    He's entitled to his opinion, but censoring all the comments from others is highly Bolshevik.

    Has anyone considered Kramnik might be going through some mental breakdown? Not making a joke about it. I mean maybe someone should reach out and help. I would hate to see him go down the Boby Fisher route, without any support.

    when blitz rating is much lower than classical rating thats actual evidence of cheating

    Really you can’t cheat with 3 min chess or 1 min chess come on it’s impossible

    I would like to see Hikaru's video including other gms' opinions such as carlsen, caruana, firoujza, nepo😘

    İt’s just redicoulis that someone who learned using the internet at the age of 35 is accusing hikaru of cheating.

    I happen to be a math professor… but not that this matters, you don't need to be an expert in statistics to make sense of these numbers. Any undergraduate in a quantitative subject could do that and these numbers really don't prove anything.

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