Levy Wins Best Chess Streamer

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    I chose levy because he is very smart. He because a famous identity in chess without even winning any hard chess competition.

    You did it, Levy, congratulation! 🥳🥳🥳

    Well, it wasn't so difficult. The rest of the chess streamers and youtubers are boring as fuck most of the time. Levy should have won

    This guy deserves everything he's got in this past year. Congrats BatmanBoardGame!

    I would've smashed my monitor if botez won they're only relevant because they dress provocatively

    The "get outta here" dosent get old
    Congrats levy for winning the award 👏

    After dedicating eight years of my life to playing chess, it's truly amazing to witness the immense popularity that the game has gained. I would like to extend my congratulations to Levy for his achievements in this regard.

    Well deserved. Well spoken. Well I'm off to watch more guess the ELO ;o)

    Since the EARTH existed was the punchline !

    Hikaru appeared to be quite serious, which may have been due to his frustration with the way his name was being pronounced

    The way hikaru’s name was pronounced makes me die inside

    I don't get why they don't have people who actually know these streamers and who would be excited to go up there and bring some energy. Nevertheless, pronounce the names right…

    W man. I'm happy for you. Idk when I started watching your videos. Somewhere around quarantine but I couldn't stop watching them since. You're the best and I'm glad I voted for you.

    Imagine he went up on the stage and yelled "I sacrificed EVERYTHING!! for this award"

    Cangrats. You earned this. We may give you shit but we are here because you are awesome

    of course he was gonna win
    i voted and made all my friends vote for him

    Gm [ HeeKaRoo ] not Gm [ Hikuru ]
    Congratulations Levy you deserve it

    You should've started your speech with "Ladies and gentlemen <some puns and intros based on chess>" and the the clap

    Presenter made Hikaru sound like a Pokémon

    he said, "and then im gonna get outta here" 😂😂

    And the award goes to……..
    the rooooooooooooooooook🤣

    Yo Levy, you probably can't see this. The streamer awards may not be as prestigious as a gm title or a world championship but I would take showing to 3 million people that chess is for everyone and presenting it in a way that is fun over 3 gm norms and 2500 rating points.

    I hope you, as well as the fellow nominees Hikaru, the Botez Sisters, and Anna Cramling, continue to use your skills to teach and entertain players of all levels. I hope you have fun doing so as well too.

    Sincerely, a lowly 1400 but loyal YT frog

    finally! somewhere where he don't sacrifice the rook

    Levy didn’t stare at the public before his speech… disappointing, 0/10

    Hikaru literally didn't care, so much in fact that he didn't even show up.

    I screamed when I saw the thumbnail 😭😭😭😭😭😭 CONGRATULATIONS LEVY❤️❤️❤️

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