The World Chess Champion Is Missing.

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%1$ Comments276

    It's time for a new world champion. Only the strongest should hold the title.


    Levy casually roasting baseball and I love it lol

    I hope he doesnt become like bobby fischer😢

    They channeled Tal v. Nethzmetdinov levels of magic in this game. What an absolute masterpiece.

    Ding understands his title is untenable.

    Bro has got a social life 😂


    recovering from a nueralink implant?? "Of course he never loses, he's the world champion?" 😉

    Ding is the new fischer ez. Dude won world championship, realizes he peaked, so he stops (maybe)

    Wild. Not sure if I’ve ever heard someone say baseball isn’t a real sport. Usually a statement reserved for race car drivers

    Im so bad at chess but I love watching your videos haha

    Ding Liren suddenly appared when Magnus gave away his candidacy … interesting ..

    Also same time as cheating measures was made stricter in chess, I don't think he cheated, but makes me wonder.

    5:00 I can confirm your technical pronunciation of his name is pretty accurate. Good job.

    Thanks for acknowledging baseball not being a sport 🙏🏻

    I do believe after the championships he hit a breaking point , a lot of pros after they win the biggest chip they kinda not lose the love but more lose the passion to be the best of the best

    I just came to see how Levy fits Magnus in this video

    ding couldnt keep his social credit score up

    Imagining crazy stories about what happened to Ding Liren is entertaining enough.

    This is why I love chess. But playing like this was always something far away from me. And then only hate left.

    baseball is a real sport. it is as real as your haircut. do with that what you will

    He is parcitipating in a chinese local tournament.

    Amazing game! Never seen before. Thanks for showing.

    Ding wilt get crushed at Tata steel he is out of practice

    Another banger video as usual. I feel like I’m watching an action movie. Love you Levy!

    A CHESS YOUTUBER saying that baseball is not a real sport is asking for a lot of smoke I'm sure he doesn't want.

    I hate to be that guy but one minor complaint. I miss the old style where since we are watching the game for Ding, we watch from Ding's perspective. I just think it's easier to follow along with the players ideas if we watch from their perspective.

    Levy, why didnt you figger out what was going on with Ding for the last year?

    I love when you do this "try to find only move" thing, I actually found some of the moves.

    I saw Ding scrims with Kangkang. Ding the 6th man of EDG. 🤣🤣🤣

    It took Levy an entire full length 60 second minute to mention Magnus. My boy is recovering 🤝🏻

    gotta respect levy, he gave up drinking water and brushing his hair to bring us quality content 🙏

    Levy's promulgation is super good, definitely top 1% of all the YouTubers 😀
    And yes, last name goes first, given goes last, and no middle names.

    you read my mind, i was wondering what happened to this guy ever since yesterdays video on chess history

    "…baseball…which is not a real sport…" LOL (So, what does that make chess? ; )

    baseball out here catching strays out of fucking nowhere

    What are the middle game plans after I defend the Nimzo in the position? 6:29

    You should start one video by saying "Gentlemen & Ladies".

    Ding said if he didn't win the classical world chess championship he would've quit playing the game, so I assume he still wants to quit and will be quitting if he loses the upcoming world championship.

    I always assumed he had an existential crisis upon realising his World Title is meaningless if he isn’t the best player in the world

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